“Of course he will,” Hector replies. I settle back against his chest, and for once, I don’t mind that he’s lying. I’m lying too, in a way, because I’ll never tell him why Marco accepted the job of killing me. “There’s no question about it. He will.”
{transcript of an old phone conversation}
“Hey, this isn’t right. You need to tell her who you are. Now.”
“Listen, Hector, this is not as simple as you and her, ok? We… we are different. She knew me before.”
“And you don’t think she knewmebefore? She was my friend. What was she to you?”
“You don’t know what she and I were to each other, ok? Don’t talk about things you don’t know. Brother.”
“Shut up, ok? Don’t… don’t ever say that word again.”
“Oh really? And yet you want me to tell Olivia that she’s my sister?”
“You have to. Especially after all that Rotten Royals fiasco.”
“I took the site down and all the accounts.”
“Oh, great, well, problem solved.”
“You know why I made these posts, Hector. I told you so many times. I asked if you were ok with it.”
“I spent the better part of this morning outside her door because someone told her to ‘die’ on a shower wall.”
“You did not think the Rotten Royals would do any harm, did you?”
“I thought it would deflect attention.”
“Well, opposite mission accomplished. Well done.”
“Hector, you need to shut up, ok? I don’t… I don’t exactly know what I’m doing.”
“Just tell her who you are. Or I’ll do it.”
“Please, Hector, please, I can’t… I can’t breathe, please, you don’t underst—”
“Ok ok, fine, no need to have a panic attack over it.”
“I’m not ha—I’m not—”
“You’re crying. You can barely talk.”
“You’re crying.Youcan barely talk.”
“Well, that’s mature.”
“This is the first time we’ve talked like siblings, you know.”
“Figures. Listen, Hector, give me some time, ok? I can’t… I’ll tell them, I promise. Just give me a second here. I’m dying.”
“Well, get in line. Olivia might be—”