No boy has ever ‘taken me’ anywhere. And this is no boy, nor is this normal under any circumstances. But, gosh, he’s taking me somewhere.
He takes me to a small, private movie set.
Except this is anything but ‘small’.
It is obvious that the filming crew people are fighting tooth and nail to keep the set private, because if this film is one thing, it’s not small.
It’s Wes Spencer’s new movie.
Freaking Wes Spencer.
The biggest and hottest movie star of Hollywood currently. He of Mr. Darcy and Peter Pan fame. He has won every award known to the planet, including an Academy one.
I need to pinch myself.
“How the… How on earth did you know about this?” I ask Marco, who looks around the set and the few people who are trying to catch a glimpse of it, like us, with so much pride he’s about to burst with it.
“I just googled it, it’s not hard,” he says. “It’s plastered all over the internet that he’s shooting his new movie in Vermont, because of privacy issues. Apparently, people won’t let him work anywhere else, he’s that famous.”
I just gape.
Marco scrolls down his phone, showing me the details.
“He’s shooting a historical movie thing about the Greek Revolution of 1821 or something. Did you know there was a Greek Revolution shortly after the French one? Well, a century later.” I do know. I have Greek grandparents, after all. But the less we talk about revolutions right now the better. He squints at his phone, as a sudden burst of sun behind the clouds makes it hard to read the screen. “Spencer is big into Greece, apparently.” He smirks. “I wonder why.”
“I know why,” I whisper. It’s his girl. She is Greek. And Wes Spencer seems to be as much in love with Greece as with her.
But this… I can’t believe my eyes. Here he is, in front of me, about to step into the water, just two cameras shooting him. Wes Spencer in all his glory.
Except he is not in all his glory.
He is in more than all his glory, if it’s possible.
His sandy blond hair is combed to perfection, curls falling over his forehead, blue eyes shining all the way to where I’m standing behind the fence. But if that wasn’t knee-melting enough, the man is dressed as a Regency gentleman or a pirate. Cravat, loose white shirt, thigh-hugging hose, sexy boots, the works.
I fan myself.
Marco bursts out laughing.
“There’s hardly anyone here,” I stage-whisper to him. Literally everyone on the planet must be pissed right now to be missing the sight of Wes Spencer dressed as a Bridgerton hero and then some. “I thought people would be falling off the trees. It’s Wes Spencer.”
“It’s Vermont,” Marco laughs. “Why would they go to the trouble of creating all this fake snow and crap? For the privacy.”
He is right. There is a portion of the lake that’s covered in fake snow and ice, and it’s so strange and beautiful the way the snow machine generates snow in the middle of autumn. They have put up a huge green screen to hide the green and orange forest in the background, and Wes’ hair is beginning to get coated in fake snowflakes, giving the illusion of winter. They have painted his lips purple, although from where I’m standing he doesn’t look as if he is too warm just in that flimsy shirt.
Part of the riverbank is already white, covered in fake snow as well.
Snow in the middle of a sunny day. It’s magical.
“And the beauty,” I murmur.
“It is beautiful,” Marco agrees. He looks at his phone again. “Wanna know what the film is?”
“It says here, and I quote: Wes Spencer is rumored to be shooting his new film,Hooked, in Vermont, starting this November. He announced that he would be playing the role ofPeter Darlingtonfrom the beloved Regency romance novelHooked, last winter. In the public statement by which he announced thatHookedis being turned into a movie by his own company, Ariadne Films, Spencer said: ‘Yes, I shall be playing another version of Peter Pan again. Isn’t it hilarious?” Since winning an Oscar for his portrayal of Peter Pan in a thriller, the actor is said to have thought that it would be exciting if he played Peter Pan again in a Regency setting this time. The twenty-three-year-old actor and Academy Award winner both for acting and directing, has been pretty outspoken for his love of all things Greece. He intends to bring more awareness to Greece’s tragic but uplifting history with this film that relies heavily on Greece’s recent history.”