James: You were good, Zay. Very good. I thought I saw at some point…
Isaiah: What?
James: Nothing. I’m watching the viral videos of your performance as they roll in.
Isaiah: And?
James: Have you seen any?
Isaiah: Are you kidding me? I never watch them. Haven’t been online for years.
James: Yeah, I know.
Isaiah: Well, if you know I don’t watch them, just tell me what you saw.
James: You. I saw you.
Isaiah: You saw me what?
James: …
James: …
James:Tu as l’air calme.
Isaiah: That’s ‘you look calm’ in French, right?
Isaiah: Yeah right, I am anything but calm right now.
Isaiah: So please don’t go all French on me.
James: I knew it. When you look calm outwardly, there’s a storm inside.
Isaiah: Will you stop it with the metaphors? I’m supposed to be the poet here, remember?
James: Still?
Isaiah: Always.
James: Ah, tough break. Life is pretty hard for poets, I hear.
Isaiah: Ha!
James: What ha?
Isaiah: Life has been pretty hard for you as well, but I’ve never heard you complain.
James: How are you?
Isaiah: Dying.
James: Inside, I hope.
Isaiah: You hope?
James: You know, I hope it’s only on the inside.