Page 59 of Pierce Me

Eden: I mean… You are doing it?

Manuela: But those are texts, silly. They don’t count.

Eden: Hahaha

Manuela: Ok, now that it’s just the two of us, tell me which singer you’re working for, real quick.

Eden: Manu, no, stop, you’re worse than Faith.

Manuela: NO ONE is worse than Faith. But come on tell me tell me tell meeee

Eden: You’re making me laugh so hard I’ll drop my phone. I’ll tell you in two weeks ok? It will be announced publicly and everything, and I’ll be free to tell whoever I want.

Manuela: Fine.

Manuela: I just…

Eden: What?

Manuela: I just want to make sure that they’re treating you ok. That you… That they don’t disrespect you or anything. Superstars are famous for being a-holes.

Eden: This one…

Manuela: This one isn’t?

Eden: Oh, this one is an a-hole all right.

Manuela: See? I don’t want him or her to treat you bad. I don’t want them to make you do chores or treat you like an assistant, because I know you, En. You’ll do whatever they tell you, no boundaries.

Eden: I’m working on that, trust me. It’s just hard, you know? All my life, I’ve been trained… taught to think like I’m worth nothing. Unless I obey.

Manuela: Whoa, En.

Eden: I’m sorry. Too dark for you?

Manuela: Never, baby. I’m always here to talk. But the things that that monster did to you will always make me sick, no matter how many times I hear about them.

Eden: He…

Manuela: The monster? What did he do? Tell me.

Eden: Nothing you don’t already know. Nothing dad or the police don’t already know. He just… You know that he called me ‘pet’ and he treated me like one too.

Manuela: I know he did.

Manuela: I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry…

Manuela: No, I do know what to say. He was a monster and wrong. He was wrong, ok? You are a precious sister and a treasure. Also, you are a brilliant, talented poet. You have won so many prestigious awards and you’re not even twenty yet. People are going to study your words at college. You are America’s future English lit syllabus.

Eden: Well, that was a lot. But it did makes me feel better.

Eden: Seriously, though, I don’t feel like a ‘pet’ anymore. I just… I have lapses, you know? But I’m fighting. I won’t stop.

Manuela: I know you won’t. You are a fighter, baby. But that is one of the reasons dad is freaking out. He’s wondering if it’s too soon for you to be working so hard and so far from home.

Eden: …

Eden: I have to go, someone’s calling me. Apparently, I’m about to get my first glimpse of Greece right now. We’re going to a cave, and I’m needed.