Page 34 of Pierce Me

Eden: I’m thinking of trying to get into Harvard.

Faith: Wow.

Manuela: That’s… I’m so proud of you I can’t even tell you.

Eden: I’ll need extra cred, what with my… situation and everything. Hoping for at least a partial scholarship. And I’ll need to study my ass off.

Faith: Come here to Chicago and stay with us, babe.

Manuela: I don’t think that’s a very good idea, Fee.

Eden: Yeah, it’s not. The memories. Too much.

Faith: Oh, Eden.

Eden: Don’t you oh Eden me, Faith. I’m the luckiest girl alive, ok? I have you and Manu, I have everything I need. I just... I just need to stay in New York for a while.

Manuela: We’re here for you if you need anything, En.

Eden: Actually, I do need to pick your brains about a job offer I got the other day. It’s kind of a summer job and it would pretty much guarantee me a spot in Harvard. But I think I want to say no to them.

Manuela: Why?

Eden: First of all, it’s going to be five months. June to October. Counting practice and pre tour concerts, five and a half months easily. The actual touring is four months.

Faith: Wait a second, did you say ‘pre tour concerts’?

Manuela: Wait, what?

Eden: Yeah, it’s kind of an assistant job for a singer. The singer will be on tour.

Faith: OMG

Manuela: Will they need you for all of the tour?

Eden: It depends on the singer.

Faith: You’re killing me dead right now, En. Who is it? Is it someone we know? I’m dying, tell us!

Eden: I can’t tell anyone yet. It’s not final or anything…

Faith: Don’t press her, Manu.

Manuela: You are literally the one pressing her, Fee.

Faith: Well, is it a dude or a lady?

Manuela: Yeah, and does he have hot eyes?

Faith: Eyes can’t be ‘hot’. Other things are hot like bodies and lips and hair…

Manuela: How can you say that when I see you drooling over Issy Woo’s eyes all over Instagram?

Faith: That’s different. Issy’s eyes…They’re so blue and electric. It feels like you’re sinking into them when he locks eyes with you in one of his concerts. I mean, I would definitely faint if he ever looked at me. Oh wait, I’m so sorry En.

Manuela: Fee!

Faith: Sorry, sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to sound like an idiot.