Secondvoice: No, what?
Isaiah: No, I don’t scroll the internet, because I’ll see my face plastered on every page. And no, I don’t live on this planet, not the same as you. I live on a different planet, where I have to avoid my phone like the plague instead of being addicted to it. I live on a planet where I can’t go on social media or text my friends, because it might get leaked and I might read whatever dumb thing we said, on the news the next day. Which I don’t read. Or I’ll want to kill myself.
Firstvoice: Are you an actual idiot?
Isaiah: Yes, I am.
Firstvoice: Are you actually crying right now, your highness?
Isaiah: That’s none of your business.
Secondvoice: He definitely is.
Firstvoice: Shut up, Fee.
Firstvoice: You know that crying won’t save you now, right?
Secondvoice: You have messed up so badly, you have no idea.
Isaiah: I know. I know.
Isaiah: I’m so sorr– Hold on.
Isaiah: Ok, I’m back.
Firstvoice: Dude, seriously? Where did you go?
Isaiah: To throw up real quick.
Secondvoice: Ew.
Firstvoice: TMI, man.
Isaiah: You asked.
Isaiah: Listen, please, tell her to come to my concert. I’m begging you.
Firstvoice: I’m not going to force her to confront you again.
Isaiah: No, not force her… You don’t think that I’m asking you to… My chest is getting tight again. Ok, listen, the last thing I want to do with my life is put any pressure on her whatsoever. Or to cause her any more pain. I need to be very clear about that.
Firstvoice: Right.
Isaiah: So, I am just begging you to ask her. Just ask. Please. Ask.
Secondvoice: We’re not your assistants, you know!
Isaiah: Oh, I know. You’d never think to assist me.
Firstvoice: Why?
Isaiah: Excuse me?