Page 85 of Filthy Christmas

“You’re far from home if you’re staying in a hotel.”

She snickers, shaking her head, still looking down at her phone. “So you found some brain cells since high school. Good for you.”

“I’ve found more than a few. Have you heard of Pierce Equities?”

“Heard of it?” She lowers the phone, wearing a strange little smile. “I work for Pierce Equities.”

Now there was a curveball I wasn’t expecting. “You’re kidding.”

“Your father is the CEO, isn’t he? I’m sure you could find out if I was lying or not.”

“Actually, I’m the CEO now.”

Her whole body tenses, and her fingers freeze over her phone screen. “Oh… I didn’t know.”

Clearly. I’m not surprised she didn’t know. Just like I had no idea she was my employee. We’ve expanded to five offices across the country, so naturally, there’s no way I could keep track of every employee.

“How long have you… worked for me?”

“Only a couple of hours.” She finally grins for the first time since entering the room, and it lights up her face. “I’m your newest employee, Mr. Pierce, so maybe refrain from any more sexual comments. I’m sure HR wouldn’t like that.”

My employee. Fuck, that does something to me. Something that could wind up getting me sued if I’m not careful. Employees are off-limits. But she’s more than an average employee. She’s the one girl who’s ever turned me down.

I clear my throat, willing my dick to stop twitching under the towel. “Congratulations. We don’t hire just anyone.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“What brings you to town? Isn’t your main office in New York?”

“You’ve done your research.” Just not enough to know my father has retired. I flash a grin that makes her blush. “Careful. I might start thinking you like me.”

“I wanted to see whether we’d cross paths at the office.”

“Why? Afraid you couldn’t keep your hands off me?”

She still wrinkles her nose when she’s unimpressed. “If it makes you feel good to think that, be my guest.”

Now I remember why we used to joke back in the day about her pussy being made of ice. All her attitude does is make me more determined than ever to have her tonight. Repeatedly.

“Okay.” I push away from the door and relish the way she backs up a little though there’s still an entire room between us. “Let’s get down to facts. There’s nowhere for either of us to go tonight, so we might as well stay here.”

“You must be joking.”

“Do I look like I am?” I fold my arms the way she’s folded hers, the two of us staring at each other with the bed between us. A bed I plan to destroy in my quest to soak up every last bit of her. “Let’s grow up, Harper. This could be a lot worse. We could be strangers.”

I slowly and deliberately look her up and down. “I could be the wrong sort of man. Ever think of that? You lucked out.”

“You are the wrong sort of man,” she mutters, though she lifts a shoulder. “But I guess you’re right.”

“So I’ll make a deal with you. Rather than have you thrown out of this hotel after I raise hell with the staff, I’ll allow you to stay.”

Her eyes pop open wide before turning into thin slits, ready to shoot daggers in my direction. “Allow me?”

“I’ll even let you keep your job.” It’s a bluff, I would never fire her over this, but she doesn’t know that. I don’t even know what makes me say this. I’ve never done anything like this, and if someone had asked me an hour ago, I would have told them I never would. There’s something about Harper that brings out the worst in me. Maybe it’s the unfinished business between us or her killer body that has my brain shutting off and my dick taking over.

I’m about to tell her the truth, that it was a bad joke, and she can stay here or leave, but the way a hue of pink spreads across her face and down her chest has me pausing. She doesn’t look scared or disgusted by my indecent proposition. Beneath her shock and anger, there is something else… lust.