Page 41 of New With Tags

“Well, since it was my idea, I can tell you straight up it wasn’t a one-night stand. I can’t wait to see you. And just an FYI, I’m taking the test tomorrow at the test center in Dearborn.”

“Can’t you just take it online?”

“I can, but if I go to the test center, they’ll expedite it. It takes six weeks to get my license if I pass! It’s cutting it close to go with you.”

“You’re going as my assistant,” he reminded me.

“I want to go as a nurse,” I said determinedly.

“But you won’t have time to study if you take it tomorrow.”

“I’ve been studying,” I told him. “You forgot about last night. Now you’re making me nervous.”

“Oh, God. I’m sorry. Don’t listen to me.”

“I won’t,” I said, smiling at the phone. “So, I guess I’ll see you tonight?”

“Tonight it is. I’ll send you a text when office hours are over. They are going to go over a bit since I took those days off last week.”

“Right! Because of the accident. How could I forget?”

How could I have forgotten? I hadn’t told him about the award. Oh my God, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was have to speak in front of a group of people, and Flynn was directly responsible for it.

After lunch, I lay down for a brief rest before I left for work. I had a few new audiobooks to listen to, but I was going to do practice tests instead. I had taken Skippy into my confidence about seeing Flynn and going on a trip with him, and Skippy couldn’t have been more accommodating. I knew I was probably never going to work in a hospital setting and that the car wash would be my means of income between trips with Flynn.

A reporter came by the kiosk, and I ended up being cordial, as uncomfortable as it made me. Shelly Green was my age, an attractive, chubby brunette who was using her phone as a recording device.

“Do you mind?” she asked, holding it up.

“I guess not. Audio only, please.”

“You’re going to be honored on Wednesday for being a hero. How do you feel about that?”

“I know nothing about it,” I lied. “Truly, I don’t consider myself a hero at all.”

“What made you act so quickly?”

“Well, it could have something to do with having gone to nursing school,” I said honestly. It was the first time I had ever said anything like that. “I remembered certain things that may have helped me take care of Dr. Safadi.”

“It definitely did more than help, Miss Roman. You saved his life.”

As if on cue, Flynn pulled up right then, a big grin on his face.

“Oh my God. Is that who I think it is?” the reporter asked, grabbing my arm.

“It is. I’ll introduce you.”

“I hope he’ll let me do a video. Jeez, he’s so cute.”

I couldn’t help myself. I giggled, leading her over to Flynn’s car, where I made the introductions.

A customer arrived, and I had to excuse myself, wondering what Flynn was going to say to Shelly about the accident. I couldn’t control what others said or thought, as nerve-racking as it was. After I was finished, I left the warmth of the kiosk to return to Shelly and Flynn.

He was animated, talking with his hands and arms in motion, completely at ease. I watched, wondering what he was going to be like in the operating room. The few times I’d observed while in nursing school, the surgeons had either been stony, silent, and intimidating or flirtatious, sexualizing every situation. I couldn’t picture Flynn as either character.

Approaching me, he stopped talking and grinned. “I’m telling Shelly all my secrets.”

“Is that right?”