Page 28 of New With Tags

Ten is great.

Great! See you in an hour.

I left the steamy bathroom, the earthy clean smell of the flowers filling my senses, a beautiful reminder of Flynn. My heart revved up when I thought of him. I didn’t see any reason to slow things down by making excuses not to see him.

Plus, it was a great way to spend the time I was forced to take off work. I had no idea what was going on there, if the news was still highlighting the accident, if the driver of the van was okay, if Flynn’s people were suing the car wash. While applying a little more makeup than I usually wore, I thought of these things that I was missing out on by not being in my kiosk.

Flynn pulled up in the older-model car five minutes early, and I could see that he was looking at his watch, sitting in the car. It was something I figured out about him right away, that he was precise. At thirty seconds to ten, he got out of the car and walked up to the house, speeding up a little bit right before he got to the porch so his knuckles hit the door at exactly ten o’clock.

I barked out a laugh, throwing the door open. “When you say ten, you mean ten on the nose!”

“Wow, you look so beautiful,” Flynn said, his voice full of emotion. “It took every single bit of self-control I had not to vault up here five minutes ago.”

Unable to control myself, I placed my arms around him and hugged him tight.

“You never have to wait,” I said. His hands slid over my back, and I could hear him sniffing. “Are you smelling me?”

“Yes. You smell so good, I want to bite.”

Instinct made me want to raise my head to offer my lips, but I stopped myself. One kiss might be all it took to prompt me to drag him to bed, and I really wanted to make sure we had something lasting before I did that.

“Yeah, well, that makes two of us, and I can’t even smell you.”

We stood like that in the open doorway, holding each other, for another moment.

“I guess your roommates are home?”

“Working or still sleeping. We were up late last light. I’m ready to go if you are.”

“Let’s go.”

He held my coat as I threaded my arms through the sleeves. I couldn’t remember a man ever doing that for me before.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“Thirty-three,” he said without hesitating. “I know you’re almost ten years younger than me. Is that going to make a difference?”

“Not to anyone I care about,” I said. “Your comment in the text last night…”

“I really like you.”

“Yes. I really like you, too.”

He held the car door for me. I wanted to glance around to see if any neighbors were peering out. There were no satellite trucks.

When Flynn got into the driver’s seat, he looked over at me. “I feel like a jerk saying this so fast, but I’m crazy about you.”

I grabbed his hand, too emotional to speak for a moment, afraid I’d burst into tears. “Wow,” I finally said. “I wanted to kiss you in there.” I pointed at the house.

“It’s taking every bit of strength I have not to ask you to get into the back seat.”

I roared at that. “You’re funny. Not even to a hotel! Right into the back seat.”

“Like kids.”

I looked out at the daylight. “I don’t know if I could do it in the car. Too bright out.”

He grinned mischievously. “You’re perfect. What are you trying to hide?”