Page 23 of New With Tags

“You need to confront him, or tell your mother,” Brian said. “I think so many of your issues are related to him.”

“Can we not discuss this right now? Do you want to hear about Flynn or not?”

“Yes! Talk.”

Casey placed a huge bean and cheese burrito with a gigantic pile of tortilla chips on a plate in front of me.

“Girlfriend, it’s one in the morning,” I said looking at the food. “What am I thinking?”

“Eat what you can and save the rest for tomorrow.”

“I’m spending tomorrow with Flynn.”

Brian looked up from squeezing a little packet of hot sauce onto his food. “Whoa, that was fast.”

“Go back. How’d you even hook up with the guy?” Casey asked.

“After I left my folks’ place, I drove over to the car wash. He was there. I didn’t expect to meet him, but Skippy ran out dragging him along because he wanted to be introduced.”

“Wow. That’s intense,” Casey said, sitting down next to me. “What happened next?”

“He asked me for coffee, but I was afraid of the reporters. He said no one would find us at Reeza’s.”

“That’s hysterical. Did they have the hookahs out?”

“Ha! There were some. I wasn’t the only woman, by the way.”

“How’d you end up out with him so late?” Brian asked.

“We got takeout and went to his house.”

“He lives here? Why’d I think he lived out in the burbs?”

“Yes! I was shocked. His parents live in Ann Arbor. He lives in one of those mansions over in University West. We played chess.”

“Well, at least it wasn’t Dungeons and Dragons.”

“He’s pretty nerdy, guys, just for the record. He might play that game, too. I heard it’s one step from cosplay. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.”

My friends laughed again.

“Does he know about your eBay addiction?” Casey asked.

“Jeez, give me a chance. No! I will not tell him either.” Then I looked at them sidelong. “I wondered there for a second what brand of underpants he had on.”

“How’s the total package seem?” Casey asked conspiratorially.

“I didn’t look! But I think it’s substantial.”

That started an entire conversation between Casey and Brian, and I just let them yammer on. I felt guilty talking about Flynn like he was a piece of meat, and I really didn’t have any idea how endowed he was, but I’d called him a nerd to my friends, so let him be a nerd with a big penis.

“I’ve worked in the hospital for two years, and I’ve never been out on a date with a doc,” Casey said.

“Me either,” Brian added. “And blondie here sits in a car wash kiosk and has one chasing after her.”

Laughing, I tried to squelch their teasing, but it was hopeless. “When’s Dale getting home? I want to stay awake so I can beat her for telling you two about the flowers.”

“Show us,” Casey said. “We didn’t venture into your private sanctum. I understand why you want to keep it private, but I swear to you, I won’t make fun.”