Page 19 of New With Tags

“I love a woman who can make me laugh, and there aren’t many, I promise you.”

I looked at him sidelong. “Why? You’re so easy to get along with.”

“I hate to say it, but the MD after my name intimidates some people, so they end up trying too hard. You’ve seen me at my worst, and maybe that makes you more comfortable with me.”

“How have I seen you at your worst? You mean the accident? You weren’t to blame for that.”

“I know, but I couldn’t help but let it all hang out.”

“You were perfectly fine,” I said, feeling like I needed to reassure him. “You didn’t do or say a thing. I was afraid you were dead.”

“They said you did everything a first responder should do.”

“Do you want to get in and we’ll talk about it?”

“Do you mind?”

“No! I totally understand. It’s normal to be curious.”

Instead of getting into my car, he leaned on the window opening, and we talked for another twenty minutes about the accident.

“Why did you risk your own safety?”

“I didn’t even think of it,” I said honestly. “I saw this potential catastrophe about to happen, and the first thing that came to my mind was that I had to save you. That’s the word that popped into my head.Save. Not rescue. My ego!” I barked out a laugh.

“I don’t believe ego has anything to do with it. It’s adrenaline. Although the ego is critical for survival, seeing the accident unfold probably caused the hormone to flood your system.”

“Trust me, I didn’t consider myself capable of doing anything more than getting you out of the car. The other things people said I did, calling out to get the fire extinguishers or go into the store and tell the manager to come out, or even telling someone to call 911, I don’t remember saying those things now.”

“Someone on the scene said the EMT pushed you out of the way. There’s a big thing going on right now, trying to identify who it was so they can apologize to you.”

“Oh, no way. I’m counting on you to make that go away.”

“It didn’t bother you?” he asked, looking slightly confused.

“No, not at all. I was relieved that someone who really knew what they were doing wanted to take over, to make sure you were safe. I didn’t realize until I walked away from you how upset I was.” The memory of barfing coffee all over my trashcan would remain secret. “Your life was possibly at stake. I wasn’t even sure you were alive.”

“You doubted your own skill.”

“Flynn, remember, I don’t have any skill. The nursing curriculum states in its description that it prepares you to sit for the state boards. That’s all. It says nothing about being qualified to provide lifesaving care.”

He reached through the window and grabbed my hand. “You did, though.”

“I guess it’s kind of late to go out to dinner,” I said after a pause.

“We can get takeout,” he said determinedly.

“And pizza in that car?” I asked, pointing to his luxury ride.

“Ha! Yes, and eat in that car. Or we can go to my place. It’s perfectly safe, trust me. My staff is watching me like a hawk.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe this is enough for one night.”


He looked so earnest, and the truth was I wanted to spend more time with him, maybe even keep that hand over mine. Finally, letting go of him, I nodded. I was about to step into unfamiliar territory.

“Okay. Honestly, I’m not ready for the night to be over with.”