Page 9 of This Is On You

“You look good,” he purrs while tracking me with his eyes from head to toe.

I wait until his eyes make their way back to mine, “I know.” I smirk and again, tell myself the appreciation and challenge I see in his eyes doesn’t send shivers all over my body.

I look to the front, suddenly worried I already blew our cover talking about my fake smile in front of his driver. I make a face at Harrison and tilt my head to the front of the car, and when he only stares at me, confused, I open my eyes a bit more.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about it. Matt, this is Tristan,” he says nonchalantly.

“We met before when I drove him to your home.” The deep voice coming from the front sounds as intimidating as the man looks.

“Hi,” I squeak because of course I fucking sound like a prepubescent boy. I mentally roll my eyes at myself.

“He knows, Tristan. You can relax.” Harrison even pats my hand a couple of times and I tell myself I don’t get goosebumps from his touch, it’s just that my hands are very cold

“I’ve—” I clear my throat. “I’ve never been in a situation like this. I may be a bit on edge.”

“Neither have I, but we’ll both do our best. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?”

“Uhm, you lose your company?” I point out the very reason he reached out to me and Zoe. He shrugs and that’s when I notice his appearance.

Damn, this man is unfairly hot. A perfectly tailored classic tux, an understated Cartier watch on his left wrist, and a thick silver ring on his right pointer finger. A bit of scruff on his sharp jaw, deep blue eyes shining under dark lashes.


I mean he’s George-Clooney-silver-fox levels of hot. He looks more buff than Clooney, and his nose is longer, pointier. How am I going to stop myself from popping a boner just by standing next to him, close to him, maybe even kissing him?

I have to. Somehow, I’ll control myself. No matter how much he was flirting in his office, there’s no way anything is actually happening between us. I mean, aside from the fact that he is… who he is, he’s just plain out of my league.

“My kids and ma are already inside,” Harrison says while looking down at his phone. “People are already speculating that I won’t show up tonight since I didn’t arrive with them. Perfect, it’ll be even more of a surprise.” He smiles at me, and my mind goes hazy with lust. He has a great smile. Perfectly straight pearly whites so bright they blind me a bit, or maybe it’s the stirring in my groin that has me lightheaded.

Why am I reacting to Harrison like this?I’ve met and spent considerable time with a man who is arguably more handsome—Sterling—and I didn’t act this way. I was there in a business capacity, but it was the same with the man next to me.

Harrison makes me nervous, and self-conscious. He makes me feel like I have all his attention. Even when we were surrounded by his family, the way he stared at me… had butterflies flying all over the place in my stomach. It’s fucking distracting, and I have to focus.

Why is it only Harrison clouds my mind to the point where I can’t focus on doing my job?

There’s no clear answer, and honestly, I’m tiring myself thinking about it so damn much. No good will come of me going over it over and over and over.

“We’re almost there, Harry.” The driver—Matt—takes me out of my musings and surprises me by calling Harrison by his first name. “Connor is waiting at the entrance, Zeke is inside with your mother, children, and Mike.”

“Got it, thanks, Matt. See you inside?”

“Yeah, as soon as I’m done parking this thing I’m heading over.”

“Great. Don’t get out, I’ll open my door.”

“Harry,” Matt starts to protest.

“Connor is right there, I can see him. Don’t worry so much, Matt.”

The man only sighs.

Harrison turns to me with an easy smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

“I’ll get your door for you, make a show of it. There are enough paparazzi to make sure we’ll be on the front page of the New York Times tomorrow. On Page Six for sure.” He smirks while I can only nod and swallow hard.

This is getting real.