Page 31 of This Is On You

“Oh, I beg to differ. There’s always something I can do. I don’t even know your name, but I can find out the perfume your mother was wearing the night she got pregnant in less than an hour. So I suggest you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and leave me and myboyfriendalone.”

He hangs up the phone and my panic starts to rise. “No, Harrison! He’s gonna—”

“I know what he said he’d do. Don’t worry. He won’t get the chance to.” He cups my face and kisses me softly. “I’ll call Page Six and tell them it’s not in their best interest to publish anything about you unless it’s about how well your business is doing.”

“But your business doesn’t have anything to do with Page Si—“

He interrupts me with another kiss. “My business has to do with every person in Manhattan. I own the building where Page Six has it’s offices, their imprint, their servers. All of it could be gone tomorrow if they piss me off.”

My mouth hangs open for a solid minute before I regain my composure and kiss him back, a lot harder this time. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“Thank you for protecting me,” he says back, voice gravelly.

I’m still a bit shaken when we get to the suite in time to see the players warm up. I secure a seat and mark it as mine with my coat. When Iris sees the jersey I have on, she shouts and points at it.

“Oh my God! Is that what I think it is?”

“Do you think it’s a Terrance jersey from the 82 Superbowl? Because it is,” I say proudly, grateful for the distraction. Then I turn and show her the back. “And it’s signed.”

“I think I’m gonna pass out,” she whispers. “Can I touch it?” I laugh.

“Of course you can touch it. It’s been washed a million times. My dad was there, and he somehow got two signed after the win.”

Zoe and I hadn’t been born yet, but he said he knew he’d want one for his son, and so, my involuntary love for the Kings began.

“That’s so fucking awesome,” she whispers as she traces the scrawl of the Hall of Fame quarterback that won the Kings their first Lombardi. We’re about to see the one who got us the second and is well on his way to winning a third for the franchise.

“I didn’t know you were a Kings fan,” Harrison says as he slides up next to me and hands me a beer.

“What, you thought I was dating you for your money?Pfft, it’s the awesome seats at every home game that sold me.” Theo, Paula, and Iris all crack up laughing.

Harrison kisses the corner of my mouth then whispers, “You’ll pay for that later, baby, and you’ll love it.”

I suppress a shiver, no need to advertise how insanely hot he makes me. I don’t hold back my smirk though.

“I like that one,” Harrison tells me softly, confusing me. I turn to him with a questioning look and he smirks right back. “That little smirk, baby. Nothing beats the full on smile after you come though.” Thank fuck he whispers it, although there’s no hiding the blush spreading on my cheeks.

“I like him, Dad,” Theo says in a gentle tone and with a sentimental smile and it’s like a bucket of ice cold water being dumped on my over-active libido.

“Me, too.” Iris nods, resolute.

“Well, I didn’t know you’d both be so easy,” Harrison tells his children, completely unaffected.

“You’re the easy one,” Iris accuses and Theo snorts. Paula politely hides her laugh.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m a total manwhore. Now shut up and sit. It’s game time.”

It’s an interesting and new experience, watching a game from a suite. I’ve only ever gotten tickets in the stands. I’ve managed to get seats closer and closer to the field as the years have gone on, but still, it’s different and definitely bougier. We have a buffet, all the drinks you want, and a perfect mid-field view of all the action. I snap a ton of pictures and send them all to my family’s group chat. Dad tells me I’ll justhaveto find a way to invite him to see the game with Harrison, and I promise him I will.

Zoe and Mom don’t care about football, but they tell me to have fun either way.

I stay planted on my seat except for whenever I cheer—I jump and scream like a lunatic like any sane football fan—but I soak in the experience as the fireworks go off. The Kings won, and I can’t believe this is my life, so yeah, I enjoy the moment. Until Theo touches my arm gently.

“I’m going to the family room to wait for Mike there. Do you want to come down for a bit?”Am I about to meet Adam ‘the King’ Darnell? Oh Jesus.

“Y-yes, please.”

He smiles at me, amused.