Page 1 of Pretty Dogs



I’vebeen runningfor such a long time.

Fromthe moment they’re born, prey animals are evolved to sprint without getting tired, to smell danger and go perfectly still and silent.Tolive.

Nomatter how hardItry,I’mnot fast or quiet enough.Mybody betrays me.

Ipress a hand over my mouth, trying to muffle my ragged, sobbing breaths asIcrouch in the pitch-dark shadow of a tree.Mybare feet are burning with a thousand tiny gashes from dry grass and jagged rocks.Istink of fear and sweat and something else–something more shameful.

I’vegiven him a million ways to track me down, no matter how farIrun.

Musclesscreaming in protest,Istruggle to my feet and pick my way between sharp-smelling pine trunks that leave smears of sap on my skin whenItouch them.Abranch catches in my hair, tugging like rough fingers.

Crack!Thesnap of a twig behind me shoots chills down my spine.Iswallow a whimper and break into a desperate, limping run across the moonlit clearing.BeforeIcan reach the safety of the shadows on the far side, my foot catches on a root and twists.Islam onto my hands and knees with a yelp of agony.

He’shere.Ican’t see or hear him, but every inch of my skin crawls with the pressure of his hungry eyes.Everynight,Itell myselfI’llhave some dignity this time.I’llstand defiant and proud.Butjust like every night,Istart crawling through the dirt to try and get away, even thoughIknow how much it turns him on.

Heavy-soled boots crunch through the grass, closer and closer, until they stop right next to me.Outof the corner of my eye,Iglimpse a darker shadow moving against the velvety night.Myfingers curl into shaky fistfuls of dirt as a feeling of helplessness sinks into my battered body.

“Ithought the pretty rabbit would run further,” a gravelly voice murmurs above me. “I’mdisappointed.”

Ican feel hot blood flowing to my cock.Theneedy, unstoppable ache asIget hard.Ican’t let him see.Ican’t.

Whenhe tries to grab my hair,Ithrow my body against his legs with the last of my strength.Roughdenim scrapes my cheek as he tumbles backward onto the ground with a snarl of surprise.Nowhe knows how much it hurts.

Clawingat the grass,Iscrabble in the direction of the river.IfIcan hide under the overhanging bank, he’ll never–

Aniron grip clamps around my ankle.Iscream in frustration as he drags me back on my face through the weeds and dirt.

Thistime, he doesn’t speak.Hedoesn’t play.Hejust flips me onto my back, ignoring my pathetic kicks.Shovingmy thighs apart, he kneels between them and covers my slender body with his huge, powerful one.

Isqueeze my eyes shut and go perfectly still as he brushes his lips up my neck, his hot breath trailing along my skin.Hepresses his nose under my ear with a slow, deep inhale, like a wolf scenting its prey.Thebody pinning mine smells like exhaustion and savage lust and victory.Teethgrip my earlobe, just hard enough to make me whimper and struggle uselessly.

“Shhh,” he purrs in my ear. “Youlet me catch you, little rabbit.Iknow you did.”

“Ididn’t,”Ilie.I’mso hard it hurts now.Everybrush of his skin against mine makes me leak into my sweatpants.Itwist and writhe, trying to hide my erection, but he pins my arms over my head.

Hissoft laugh tickles my jaw. “Areyou sure?”Squeezingboth my wrists easily in one hand, he slides the other inside my sweats.Ijerk with a slutty moan when practiced fingers fondle my balls and wrap tight around my cock, turning my body limp with a single stroke.Heknows exactly how to push me to the edge, because we’ve done this so many times.He’llmilk me dry, then flip me over and fuck me until–


Abed-shaking snore rips me out of my dream so abruptlyIcan’t breathe.Disoriented,Istare at a streak of moonlight spilling past the broken blinds.Theforest floor under my back turns into a lumpy mattress, and the skeletal branches overhead are replaced by a popcorn ceiling.Theonly chilly breeze here exists because some asshole kicked my comforter to the bottom of my bed.

Ireach up with shaky fingers to brush my hair out of my face.Shit.Mycheeks are on fire.Asheen of sweat glistens on my bare torso, and my boxers are bunched up between my thighs, sticky and hot.WhenIshift my weight, my dick throbs.Igo still, gulping in an unsteady breath.I’mway, way too close to coming.

Thebrawny body pressed against mine hacks up another disgusting snore, like someone poured gravel up his nose.Nuzzlingdeeper intomypillow, because he always knocks his onto the floor,Beckslings a heavy arm across me. “Gothe fuck away,”Ihiss inaudibly, squeezing my eyes shut.

Asevere addiction to sleeping in your best friend’s bed is weird enough.Thatfriend waking up to find you squirming around, drenched with precum, is flat out unacceptable.

Wrinklingmy nose,Ilift his arm and wriggle my way to freedom.Themuscular blond just rolls onto his other side and goes back to snoring.Fora moment,Iget distracted looking at his tattoos in the moonlight.Ahuge, intricate reaper dominates his back, with a scythe blade spanning the width of his shoulders and dark wings spreading down along the sides of his ribcage.Afire-breathing dragon in a mismatched style snakes around his hips and dips down onto the tops of his ass cheeks.

It’sall very intimidating until you find out he calls the reaperYourMomand the dragonOne-EyedBrian.Smilingto myself,Ituck the comforter up around his shoulder and tiptoe out the door, careful not to trip on any of the holes in our threadbare carpet.

ScoutandRoman, our housemates and the other half of our makeshift little family, have their door tightly shut.Theyalways stuff t-shirts around the bottom to try and muffle their sex noises, soI’mnot exactly worried about waking them up.

Swingingthe bathroom door shut behind me,Iflick on the light.Theunforgiving glare of the bare bulb makes my eyes water.Iput a hand out to block my view of the evil mirror that makes everyone look like shit, cross the room, and kneel next to the drawer whereIkeep my toothpaste, deodorant, and hairbrush.