Page 54 of Pretty Dogs

Hecomes up on his elbows and blinks at me. “Um…”Ican see the fight going on behind his eyes.

“Don’tstart thinking.”Irest a hand flat against his chest. “Tellme if youwantto get sucked off or not.That’sallI’masking.”

“Ido.”Thewords tumble out of his mouth so fastIknow he’s telling the truth. “Ireally fucking do.Ijust don’t know how it works.”

Islide my thumb under the edge of his jeans and stroke the softer skin there, feeling it shiver as his breath catches. “Thenlet’s find out.Rememberhow hard you came in the forest?”Icould feel it roll through his body in the dark, the clench and collapse of muscles as he sobbed under me.Dallasjust swallows.Oh, he definitely remembers. “ThinkIcan beat that?”

Hisbare chest rises and falls with a shallow, unsteady breath. “Ithink you should try.Forscience.”

Thelast of his nerves slips away as we grin at each other.Helifts his hips to help me tug his jeans down his thighs and off his feet, leaving him stripped naked whileI’mfully clothed.Iknow how much trust this takes for him, every time.Iworship him for it.

Kissingthe inside of his thigh,Isit back and wrap my fingers around the bulge of my erection straining against my jeans. “Goget the vibrator.You’reso hornyI’msurprised you weren’t using it under the blanket as they walked out the fucking door.”

Whenhe comes stumbling back from the bathroom,Iadmire the hint of his cock as he moves, flushed and glistening with precum.Itmakes my mouth water.

Helies back on the couch, his eyes never leaving my face, and presses the vibrator to his erection.Immediately, his eyes drift half closed and his whole body shivers.Spreadinghis thighs, he rubs his hips slowly into the toy with an incoherent sound.

Grindingmy palm along my bulge, enjoying the frustration of making myself wait,Iwatch his skin flush as he gets more and more turned on. “Howgood does that feel, pretty boy?”

“Sogood,” he moans softly. “ButIneed you,Beck.”

“Iknow.”Ifthere is a heaven, it’s the way his smooth, soft body feels against my rough skin asIrun my hands all over him and kiss along his scars.

WhenIdrag my tongue across the places where his nipples would be, he sobs “Fuck” and throws the vibrator somewhere across the room. “Pleasesuck me,” he begs. “I’mdying.”

“Tellme whenIfind the right place,”Iorder, sliding down and brushing my nose through the curly hair around his dick.Ilike giving head, because every cock has a sweet spot andIenjoy the challenge of finding them.Takingmy time,Iexplore the shape of him with my tongue.Hisprecum tastes special like him, sweet and rich.

“Furtherup?” he murmurs.Thetone of his voice reminds me that he has no idea either, that he’s never had his cock sucked becauseI’mhis first everything.Icould come in my pants just thinking about that.WhenItry a different position, he gives a breathless, nervous laugh. “Babe,I’mnot sure you’re even close–”Hiswhole body jerks and his thighs clamp tight around my head asItake a guess and pull his thick, hard little cock onto my tongue.

Moaningsoftly to the rhythm of my slow, deep sucking, he bucks his hips into my mouth. “Please, oh godBeck, fuck you.Fuckyou so fucking hard.”

Tryingnot to laugh,Itease my tongue up and down his length until he can’t form words anymore.Hiserection swells and firms up even more asIplay with it.Basedon the noises coming out of his mouth, it’s getting more sensitive, too.Ilet him rut along my tongue as he gets closer to the edge, then grab his hips firmly and hold him still asIsuck hard.

Dallaschokes out my name, drawing out the “e” as his whole body arches and he wraps both arms around his head.Eventhough cum doesn’t shoot out of his dick,Ican feel the pulse and heat.

Inthe forest,Inoticed that he curled up around his orgasm, trying to protect his sensitive cock and not lose too much control.SoIgrab his thighs and force his legs to stay spread as he comes hard, his sweaty body shivering and his muscles fighting my grip.Idon’t stop sucking him until he’s completely limp and breathing shallowly.

AsIsit back and wipe my mouth, he cracks one eye open and peers at me. “Youkilled me.I’mdead,” he complains hoarsely.Whenhe tries to move, he grimaces and goes limp again. “You’llhave blue balls forever because you’re not allowed to sleep with anyone else for the rest of your life.Sorry.”

“Hm.”Iprop my chin on my hand and study him intently.Ihave an idea, something elseI’vefantasized about, butI’mnot sure how to ask for it. “Sothe part where you saidfuck you so hardwas a lie?”


Myeyes jolt open, and the haze clears from my vision.Beckis kneeling between my legs, his eager green eyes waiting…for something.Mymouth suddenly feels dry. “Whatexactly are you saying,BeckhamAlexander?”

Hesearches my face, trying to read my mind before he answers. “Whatdo you thinkI’msaying?”

“Okay, don’t get all coy with me.”Iflick his chest with my foot. “Ithink that what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense.”

Hisexpression collapses into a sulky frown. “JustbecauseItop doesn’t meanIcan’t enjoy taking it sometimes.”

WhenItry to push myself up,Irealize just how shaky and sweatyIam. “That’snot the park of this equation that doesn’t make sense, and you know it.What, you want me to say it?”

Reachingout quickly, he presses two fingers against my lips. “You’renot thinking big enough.”

Inarrow my eyes at him.Myheart flips in my chest when he flashes that reckless, hot-as-hell grin and grabs my hand. “Comewith me.”

Groaning,Iswing my weak legs off the couch.Beforehe can walk away,Iclick my tongue and beckon him with one finger. “You’reabout to rip out of your jeans.Thatlooks painful.”