Page 43 of Pretty Dogs



Iblinkat him dazedly through the tangled strands of my hair.I’mtottering on my hands and knees like a newborn calf, my mouth smeared with spit and my sore ass open. “W-what?”

“Runfor me.”Heslides his cock back into his shorts and shifts onto his haunches, waiting, his eyes bright.

I’mso far gone thatIwant to kneel and beg him to keep finger-fucking me whileIsuck him off.ButI’mthe rabbit, andI’mnot allowed to give up until his cock is inside me.Mythighs feel wet and shaky asIstumble to my feet.I’mfurious at him for turning me into this, but the anger just makes me hotter.

Onimpulse,Ikick a shower of dirt at him so that he throws up an arm and turns his face away.Inthat moment,Idart into the darkest part of the trees.Mylimbs aren’t working right asIblunder through rough, scratchy bushes, shielding my dick with one hand.Ican’t breathe or think.

He’splaying with me, following at a distance and listening to me crash around in a panic.Mymouth on his cock didn’t break him the way he broke me.Suckingin breaths that sound more like sobs,Istumble to a stop at the edge of the trees.IfIcould get back to the house before he caught me,I’dwin.ButIhave no idea what directionI’mfacing anymore, andIcan’t see the glow of lights anywhere.Abranch cracks right behind me, andIbolt forward.

Myfoot catches on a root, andIslam jarringly onto my hands and knees.BecauseIwon’tbe outdone,Istart to crawl.

Beckis right here;Ican sense him keeping pace with me asIfumble and feel my way along the ground. “Youlook really good like this,” he comments.Iswipe my arm in the direction of his voice, trying to trip him, but allIfind is empty air.Utterlyoverwhelmed and exhausted,Istop and just wait on all fours with my head hanging.

Aknee nudges me in the ribs. “Didyou earn your reward?”

“I–Idon’t know,”Istammer, shivering. “Youwin.”

“Askfor it, rabbit.”

I’mtoo worn out to talk, soIsink into the delicious heat of shame and just spread my knees, offering up my ass.Hemakes me stay that way in silence for a long time.Beckis so good at this game thatI’ma little afraid of him.Ijump when a hand comes to rest on my lower back, followed by the rustle and zip of his shorts.Hisheavy body presses close to mine as his fingers slip right back into my loosened hole.Idon’t have a prostate, but the relentless flex of his fingers invading and spreading me makes my cock ache wretchedly.

Somethingcold and hard nestles against the base of my dick.BeforeIcan identify the sensation, a deep, familiar vibration hits the perfect spot at the exact same time he pumps his fingers deeper.

Afterdays of being constantly turned on and left wanting, after a night of desperation and fantasy that has broken me down into nothing but want,Icome instantly with a choked scream.I’venever felt anything like it, all my muscles shuddering and tightening asIclaw at the dirt and try to thrash away from the vibrator torturing my overstimulated dick.Beckdigs his powerful grip into my thigh and holds me still untilI’mlimp and twitching with soft, pleading whines.

Thenight feels so much quieter when he switches it off, just the sound of two boys gasping.Stillsprawled on my face with my ass in the air,Ireach back and squeeze his knee. “Butwhy didn’t you–”Ibreak off with a gasp, my body going rigid as he spreads his fingers roughly in my ass, shoving me back to that sharp edge where he hurts me andIlike it.

“Youcan be a selfish little thing,” he says calmly.Ican hear the quick slap of him jerking himself with his free hand. “YouthinkIran all over creation just so you could get off?”WhenIdon’t answer, he stops stroking himself and squeezes my hip warningly. “Isthat what you thought, rabbit?Thatif you came fast, we’d be done?”

“No,”Ibreathe into my arm, my voice weak. “I’msorry.”Mybody usually takes a long time to reset after an orgasm, but his hard voice and rough hands are already turning me on again.Hewon’t let me come a second time, though, becauseIhad no self control and now my punishment is letting him use me to get off.

Helets go of me, knowingI’mtoo ruined to sit up, let alone run.Ilisten to the slick of lube, the way his breathing starts to go ragged. “Pleasefuck me,”Ibeg in a pathetic voice, spreading my legs obediently as something firm presses at my hole.

Oneof his hands slides down and grips my hair, pulling my head back just enough to make me feel used. “Bequiet.”

Heprepped me well, but it fuckinghurtsso much when he pushes in thatIcan’t keep my mouth shut.Stoppinghalfway, he rocks his hips slowly with a low groan.Hisfree hand searches underneath my shivering body until he finds my cock again.Hepresses one lube-wet finger on either side of it and strokes slowly, firmly, until he feels me ease up.

Whenhe’s worked deep enough for me to feel the press of his balls against my body, he wraps both hands tight around my hips. “Youlose,” he grates out quietly. “Sobe good and take it.”

Hepulls out all the way, untilIcan feel the breeze tickling between my legs.Thewhole world holds its breath for a moment.Thenthe predator that ran me down untilIcouldn’t even crawl fulfills his promise–he fucks me into the ground.Hiships slap my ass brutally fast, jolting me forward asIfumble for something, anything, to brace myself against.Butthere’s nothing except his bruising grip and the sound of his breath as it slowly starts to fracture, until he’s gasping out soft, moaning sobs with each stroke.Untilhe breaks and starts saying my name, again and again.Whatstarted as pain and degradation becomes my helpless body surrendering untilI’mseconds from coming again without any stimulation on my dick, just from hearing him beg for me like that.

Foldinghis body over mine, he buries his face in the back of my neck and speeds up until he’s blindly rutting me like an animal in heat.Ican feel when he starts to come, but he doesn’t stop jerking his hips, fucking his cum deeper into me until his body finally gives out.

Bothof us are trembling and drenched in sweat.Whenhe pulls out reluctantly,Igasp at the feeling of warm cum trailing down my thighs and dripping in the dirt.Hisbody disappears from on top of me, andI’msuddenly so cold, even though the night is balmy. “Beck,”Iwhimper, reaching out blindly for him.

“It’sokay.”Thesame terrifyingly strong grip that was pinning me down a few seconds ago picks me up and pulls me into his arms.Myface falls into the crook of his neck as he squeezes me against his panting chest and combs my tangled hair back.Ican feel how much he’s shivering, soIwrap my legs around his hips and hug him as tightly asIcan.

“Ilove you so much,” he says at the exact same timeIsay, “Howon earth are we going to find my clothes?Ineeded those.”

Wepull back and look at each other.Beckgrins, brushing his thumb down the side of my face. “Ikept track of them for you, baby.Iknow better than that.Youmight need to mend your shorts though.”

“Forthe record,”Imumble sheepishly. “Ilove you too.”

Histired, cocky smile widens. “Iknow.”