Page 11 of Pretty Dogs

Ihave no idea.Wherethe hell did this freak come from? “Youshouldn’t be wandering around here at night,”Iblurt. “Andyou shouldn’t go into random guys’ trailers just because they tell you to.”

Hepauses halfway through pouring the cheese powder into the pot and stares at me, his face clouding over a little. “I’mfine.Ican take care of myself.”

“Idon’t think so.”Icross my arms, irrationally pissed off. “Asfar asIcan tell, if some fucker has paprika, you’ll do anything he says.”

Witha small huff of incredulous laughter, he sets the packet down.It’slike he’s actually seeing me for the first time. “Andwhat?Areyou volunteering to be my protector?Makesure nothing bad ever happens to me?”

Hismocking voice cracks a little whenItake a step toward him, but he squares his shoulders and refuses to budge.Icatch a whiff of sweetness under all the grime asIreach past him, pull a bottle of hot sauce out of the cupboard, and shove it into his chest. “MaybeIwill.”

“You’retoo late,” he murmurs.Idon’t think he meant to let the words out.Hiseyes are bottomless, and so sad.

“There’sno such thing as too late,”Ipoint out. “Ifyou show me who fucked with you,I’llgo set them on fire right now.”

Surprisecrosses his face and then, when he realizesI’mnot kidding, a small but dazzling smile. “Let’seat first.Macaronidoesn’t reheat well after a human bonfire.”

AndmaybeIdidn’t know it then, but that’s the first timeIfell a little bit in love withDallasSantra.

RomanandItake turns checking the locks every night, but this timeIstop and triple secure every window.WhoeverjumpedDalis still out there.He’sso sheltered, assuming they can’t be dangerous just because they’re young and had a kitten.I’vemet kids in my life who would be more than happy to break in and kill us all, just so they can loot our stuff.

Inthe living room,Ialmost trip overRoman.He’ssitting on the lip of the fireplace in his pajamas, below the giant pride flagDallashung up the day we moved in.Tubbsleans his massive head onRome’sright thigh, his gaze fixated onRambothe kitten, who is sleeping on the man’s left leg.

Romestops petting the cat long enough to wave at me.

“Ishe staring like that because he wants to be friends, or because he wants to eat him?”Iask, squinting at the dog’s obsessed brown eyes.

Roman’slips twitch. “Ihave no idea,” he whispers, caressing the dog’s ears. “Crossyour fingers for friends.”

“TellRambohe needs to look less like a chicken nugget.”Ibrush my fingers in his messy tousle, then go back to locking down my house tighter thanFortKnox.Weall have to work our asses off just to make rent here, even though it’s such a dump the landlord wouldn’t be able to find any other tenants.Dallasstocks shelves and runs the register at the grocery store,Ido all the stuff we’re not supposed to talk about anymore,Scoutbounces between a couple of porn accounts and odd jobs doing door-to-door sales, andRomanworks for the landlord renovating properties.Andif we’re lucky, maybe we each get a dollar or two a month to save up for something fun.

IleftDallasasleep on his face in my bed, but whenIcome back from my rounds he’s sitting up and studying his phone.Heloves his fashion, but this outfit’s my favorite–a torn white t-shirt three sizes too big for him, plaid boxers, and little plastic clips pinning back the shorter hair around his face.

WhenIturn around from shutting the door, he’s watching me with a goofy grin and wiggling a little. “Guesswhat?”

“Ihave no idea.”

Hethrows the phone on the bed between us and slaps both hands on my brown wool blanket. “Ifucking found it.ButI’mtoo scared to click on it.”


“Yesway.”Hepumps both fists in the air, then scoops the phone back up. “Iwin.”

Myshitty metal bed frame, which we pulled out of a dumpster, almost collapses whenIthrow myself on the mattress next to him. “Don’tbe a little chicken.Ibet you three bucks he makesRomelick food off his feet.”

Dalgags. “Ithink you’re making up kinks that don’t exist.”

He’sstalling, soIreach over his arm and hit thevideostab onScoutandRoman’sBDSMporn profile.Scoutdecided last weekend that we weren’t allowed to see it, which of course meantDalandIraced to see who could find it faster.Itonly took us three days.

“Ohgod,Idon’t know.”Dallasdrops the phone and covers his face with both hands before the page can load. “Whatif it’s…Imean…”

“You’veseen both their penises before,”Ipoint out, scrolling through thumbnails whileDallassneaks peeks between his fingers.

“Yeah, butI’venever seen them…you know.”Hesticks out two fingers on each hand like floppy dicks and slaps them together.

Rollingover,Igrin up into his dark eyes. “Likewhat now?Showme slower, with sound effects.”

Heblinks at me, then punches my shoulder as hard as he can.Hisfist bounces off of me pointlessly.Dalisn’t weak, butI’mbuilt like a brick shithouse, as the weird old lady who lived next door whenIwas growing up used to say.

“Fine, get it over with,” he grumbles, leaning in next to me and tapping a random video.