Page 79 of Secrets and Kisses

Not that Kenzie seemed to notice.

No, he was smiling cheerfully and looking back and forth between us like he was waiting for something. “Yes, I drove him crazy until he didn’t make me go away anymore.”

That was not how our friendship had formed but I didn’t get a chance to point that out before he was staring at us oddly again. “How is your relationship going? I won’t ask anything personal and I’m not being nosy. You’re both very important to me. Boyd because I’ve known him for years and Mr. Librarian because he makes sure I don’t have to buy every book I want to read.”

Kenzie had a point…Stefan was probably very good for his budget.

“We’re doing well.” Stefan didn’t seem to know what else to say based on the wide smile he aimed in my direction. “Right?”

“We’ve had the mind reading conversation.” I meant it in the context of me not being able to read his mind and he’d actually have to let me know what I was supposed to do, but Kenzie took it in a whole different direction.

“Oh, are you mates too? Do you hear him in your head? Daddy hears me and he says I’m a beautiful dragon and very funny.” Kenzie wiggled excitedly as his Daddy chuckled, but he didn’t let his gaze move away from us.

He wanted his question answered, and judging by the silence all around us, everyone else did too.

Stefan was no help because he was mostly just giggling.

And everyone wondered why I rolled my eyes so much.

“Stefan, don’t make me guess what you want or we’re going to reevaluate that teaspoon conversation.” The vague threat had him sitting up straighter and he magically was able to control his laughter. “That’s what I thought.”

“What did your Daddy do to you with a teaspoon?” Kenzie was nearly climbing over the table he was leaning so hard against it and his eyes were so wide they looked like balloons.

What the hell had he read?

As I groaned, the diner went silent again until Miss Nancy called out from the back. “Do not answer that question. We don’t talk about dirty shit in my fucking diner.”

And now the whole town was going to think that we were doing kinky shit with silverware.

Stefan gave me a look and raised one eyebrow. “Really?”

Okay, that was my fault in some kind of stupidly fucked-up way. “It was a nickname, for fuck’s sake. I wasn’t doing anything inappropriate with my mate.”


Stefan looked like I’d said the most romantic thing ever and curled into me sweetly. “I have a mate.”

Kenzie was beaming and clapped his hands. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Stefan returned the grin before sitting up. “But enough about us. How are you doing?”

Before I could blink, Kenzie took the opening and started a long, rambling tale about a teddy bear and someone who was very stupid and cranky. I didn’t even try to keep up because it was definitely a story for Mr. Librarian, and even his Daddy’s eyes had started to glaze over.

I must’ve tuned out for a bit too long because I’d finished my pie and Kenzie was looking at me expectantly when I focused on the conversation again.


“Yes? Sorry, I got distracted thinking about my wonderful mate.” It was Stefan’s turn to roll his eyes and Kenzie joined in on the fun.

Kenzie also looked frustrated and leaned over the table again, actually managing a whisper. “I asked if you did it yet.”

He was quiet enough that most of the room hadn’t heard, but there was a distinctive chuckle from the booth behind me.

What the fuck did Kenzie want to know?

If he’d meant sex, he’d have actually said it unapologetically, but he was being very discreet…and there was no way Talon would’ve sat there snickering if he thought Kenzie would embarrass Stefan.

So what was he asking?