Page 7 of Secrets and Kisses

When had I said that?

“Kenzie, I don’t think Boyd said he wanted to Daddy the librarian yet. Because if he did, I missed that part and you need to start over.”


The list of people I wanted to kill just kept getting longer and longer.

Lorne straightened and looked over the seat as he called out to an ancient and nosy neighbor. “You’re right. He hasn’t admitted it yet, but the librarian is just his type and they’d look so cute together.”

Lorne would have to be killed first because he was the instigator of more shenanigans than people realized.

I had to put that plan on hold when they started debating if Stefan would think my dragon was attractive and I realized that if I didn’t talk to him first, some curious moron was going to ask him about it before I could.

My timeline for explaining the more curious aspects of his patrons had shrunk considerably.

Getting up, I tossed twenty dollars down on the table and pointed at the three troublemakers who were trying to look innocent. “That’s for my portion and a tip for Nancy for being patient with us. No extra dessert or anything like that on my dime.”

I didn’t care if they were frustrated. She’d stopped their ridiculous oversharing, so she deserved a tip.

Kenzie managed to look reasonably believable when he denied everything. “Why are you so grumpy? Of course we’d leave your tip for Miss Nancy.”

He would’ve sounded more believable if Lorne hadn’t been giggling and if Alick hadn’t been looking up at the ceiling.

“Bullshit.” Heading out the door with half the town calling out encouragement and helpful suggestions about what to do with Stefan, I ignored the fact that I actually had work to do and started for the library.

The walk wasn’t long but it gave me a few minutes to calm down. Unfortunately, it still hadn’t given me a good plan about what to say to Stefan, which was why I’d gone back to work instead of to the library where I’d been headed.

I just needed to gather my thoughts before I talked to him.

The general consensus based on what Kenzie’s Daddy had said was that the librarian knew something was weird but he hadn’t seemed frightened. I’d thought he should’ve been a bit more upset about floating library patrons but that might’ve just been me. Alick’s two cents had been that Stefan’s acceptance might’ve been because of his reading habits but that didn’t seem logical in the slightest.

Unfortunately, nothing anyone did around town was logical, so it made it much more likely Alick was right.

I just wasn’t sure if that was going to end up being a good thing or not…and I had no idea how their conversational adventure was going to affect my telling the librarian that most of his patrons were dragons and mages.

And I still had to decide if talking about dragons and mages should come first or if playdates took precedence.


“There’s no way you’re going to be able to cut that without it tumbling over.” The damned cake must’ve been at least six layers tall based on the height.

“It’s not too tall. It’s got lots of layers like my relationship with Daddy.” Kenzie was trying to sound playful, but the look on his face said he was going to sic his Daddy on me if I wasn’t more careful.

Thankfully, his Daddy had more patience than both of us at the moment and a lot more common sense because he took the cake out of Kenzie’s hands so he couldn’t smash it on my head. “Let me help you with that, cutie.”

But he was still a total Dom because he gave me a glare that was filled with a warning shot, and since he was right—I had been an ass—I did my best to push my frustration aside. “Sorry. I was just…I was just frustrated about something else and took it out on you.”

“It’s okay.” Kenzie sighed like he was disappointed that he didn’t get to smash the cake in my face. “He’ll come.”

I had to laugh. “I’m so subtle.”

Kenzie rolled his eyes. “You’re about as subtle as the gold Mr. Emry left in the parking lot of the police station.”

“Yeah, he must’ve really wanted that armored truck badly.” I laughed, but I was slightly offended by that since I knew for a fact I was more subtle than that idiot truck thief. However, I wasn’t going to argue about it. That would just frustrate the deputy and it wasn’t my goal at the moment. He was slightly pissed that he hadn’t been able to arrest the moron.

The government was just glad that the gold had been returned, but having it show up in the middle of the parking lot hadn’t been smooth either.

So yeah, I was definitely more subtle than Mr. Emry.