Page 75 of Secrets and Kisses

He shrugged. “That’s not the point. I bribed you.”

“That bribe was for you.” My response got a dirty giggle from him, but he couldn’t deny it. He could, however, kiss my cheek and ramp up the cuteness factor by a thousand. “Fine.”

“Yay.” Grown-up story time was evidently just as fun as the little kind.

He should just count himself lucky that he’d landed in the most interesting town in the entire Blue Ridge Mountains.

Chapter 21


“Are you sure?” I couldn’t help wiggling as we drove toward the diner. “You don’t have to.”

Somehow in going over the options for our date, I’d given him the impression that I thought he was hiding me. I didn’t…and I still wasn’t sure how we’d gotten to that point, but now he was dead set on making sure he took me out to show me off.

“You wanted pie.” Boyd shrugged like he had no idea what I was talking about. “The diner has the best pie and you know it.”

That wasn’t the point.

“You don’t like it when everyone…well, when they come to say hello.” In the two weeks since the library madness where I’d told everyone I was dating Boyd, he’d been frustrated.

And that was a mild word for it.

There hadn’t been any more nosy crowds in the library, but the locals had taken every opportunity to come up and chat. They were very persistent too and I had a feeling Boyd was ready to do something drastic…and not very nice.

“I know you’re not hiding me or anything like that.” I didn’t even remember what I’d said that had made him so worried but trying to fix it wasn’t helping.

Grumpy dragons were hard to deal with sometimes.

“Because I’m not. I’m just trying to take care of you and to keep them from mobbing you at work.” Boyd’s stubbornness rivaled Kenzie’s sometimes. “The mages keep trying to claim you still. I had someone come up to me in the grocery store last night and insinuate that I wasn’t smart enough for you.”

Good grief, that was not helpful at all.

“Let’s go on a walk first.” Yes, something physical to burn off some of his frustration before we got dinner. “I sat too much at work today. Let’s go to the park.”

The park the town owned wasn’t substantial but it backed up to national park land, so it felt a lot bigger than it really was.

Boyd’s stress seemed to fade slightly, so I pushed again, trying not to smile at his pout. “This way we can talk about dragon stuff without me getting distracted.”

That made him laugh and roll his eyes. “It’s not adistractionwhen my dick accidentally ends up in your mouth.”

“No, I think that counts.” He had a lovely dick and he liked it when I played with it, so he didn’t protest very loudly when we went from cuddling to doing much more adult things. “It’s your fault for being so sexy. So don’t blame it on me.”

I sounded utterly ridiculous, but he was still chuckling and reached out to take my hand. “Sorry, baby.”

“No. You just don’t like always feeling backed into a corner.” It’d taken me a bit too long to realize why it made him so crazy. I’d somehow forgotten that being a dragon made him a predator of some sort. “They’re not being mean, though.”

Some of them were just fucking with him, so that probably counted as being mean, but I didn’t think pointing that out would be helpful. “Mr. Kennedy even stopped by the library the other day and the only non-library-related thing he brought up was to let him know if I had any questions about the locals.”

He’d even been somewhat circumspect, which I’d appreciated.

Boyd let out a long breath as he turned a corner and steered us toward the park. “He likes you.”

“He’s very sweet.” And slightly insane, but that might be Kenzie’s fault somehow. “He’s just lonely and might need a hobby.”

“Amen.” Boyd’s sarcastic retort had me trying not to laugh.

“But we’re not going to focus on them now. You have to keep your clothes on at the park, so you won’t distract me.” I was being honest, but that had him snorting and rolling his eyes.