Page 73 of Secrets and Kisses

No, I didn’t want to scar my boy for life, so I just fucked him with the tip of my finger and kept up the rough touch he loved so much as I jerked him off. It also wasn’t the time to see how long I could make him come before he couldn’t handle it anymore, so I released him as he finally came down from the high.

Easing my finger out got a sigh from him that said he loved anal play just as much as he liked sucking on anything, but I didn’t draw attention to it. I just let him lie there boneless in a haze for several long moments until the fog cleared from his eyes and he was seeing me again.

“You are so sexy.” Leaning over him, I braced my hands on the bed and gave him a soft, thorough kiss before giving his nose a kiss and straightening again. “Thank you for exploring that scene with me.”

He didn’t seem to know what to say to that, so I stretched out on the bed beside him and pulled him closer. “Come here, don’t make me channel the Hulk and pick you up.”

That got a giggle from him as he scampered to drape himself over me. “You’re ridiculous.”


But it had him forgetting his worries and he was snuggled so close he was like a blanket wrapped around me…so I’d take ridiculous any day if it got me rewards like that.

“I’m not the one with a dirty browser history.” My teasing had him hiding his face against my shoulder and snickering.

When he finally got himself under control, he relaxed and went back to just cuddling. “Kenzie kept asking for books about stuff I didn’t understand. I had to look it up and sometimes I didn’t understand the written descriptions, so I had to find videos.”

He’d had to?

Stefan shrugged as he got used to talking about the curious subject. “There aren’t enough good educational sites. Most of them are terribly written. Flat-pack furniture comes with better instructions.”

It really must have been bad then.

“My poor confused librarian.” I laughed when he poked my chest. “You must’ve been shocked.”

“I was at first.” His tone was a mix of laughter and surprise. “Kenzie asked me the most interesting questions and I’d never thought about anything like the stuff he was reading.”

Kenzie had definitely opened the innocent librarian’s eyes.

“What do you think? Should I buy him flowers to thank him for corrupting you?” I was mostly teasing but Stefan’s head popped up.

“No, he’ll want to talk even more or everyone will think we’re in some kind of weird relationship with them.” Shaking his head, Stefan’s eyes got wider. “It will be like last month when everyone thought the lady mage who runs the bakery was sleeping with the man who fixes the cable when it goes down. She just gave him extra donuts and everyone was scandalized.”

Laughing, I nodded. “I heard they were having an affair, but it was just a thank you for fixing something because he did it under the table and wasn’t going to charge her.”

We lived in the craziest town.

But luckily for me, the librarian seemed to like it too.

“But how did you know that?” Rolling us so I was braced over him, I raised one eyebrow when he looked guilty. “How did you hear the good gossip? You barely hang out in town.”

Groaning as his cheeks went pink, he sighed. “People stand outside my office window all the time. It’s close to the sidewalk and kind of drafty, so I can hear everything they say.”

I had to laugh but he huffed and pouted. “But they kept talkingaroundthe dragon part, so all I got was weird gossip that didn’t make any sense.”

“Poor baby.” I gave him a smacky kiss and shook my head. “You’re just as big a gossip as the rest of them. That’s why you like it here so much.”

Nodding and wearing a silly grin, he didn’t bother hiding it any longer. “Yes, and there’s always so much going on…and once they all realize I know about the dragon and mages stuff, I’ll get all the good stuff.”


“Hmm, I might have to figure out some good ways to let you get the best gossip out of me.” As his eyes went wide again, I kissed his nose. “I wonder what kind of sexual favors I should trade for the story about why Ms. Candice can’t go into the bakery without all hell breaking loose.”

His mouth fell open. “She needed cookies last week and had to go all the way into the city because everyone would know she bought them from Walmart otherwise.”

He was the cutest thing.

“See?” I shrugged as he seemed to be considering how much the story would be worth. “I know what I’ve got.”