Page 60 of Secrets and Kisses

He sucked in a breath and his eyes got wide as he straightened. “That’s two surprises.”

“Then you are a very lucky boy.” Giving him a quick forehead kiss, I smiled. “And I’m a very lucky Daddy.”

Chapter 17


I was stuck…and I was pretty sure the rock was dating the hard place because we were long past introductions. I had questions for Daddy that really were Daddy-type questions, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch him while I asked.

I didn’t feel bad about that, though, because if I was little, I was allowed to be nervous about that kind of stuff.

“You’re thinking very loudly over there.” Boyd’s teasing comment as I parked the car in front of the house said I hadn’t exactly been subtle, but nothing in his tone said I’d worried him.

But as glad as I was of that, I still didn’t know what to say. “Can…I want to…”


Boyd smiled tenderly and leaned over the center console to kiss my cheek. “Let’s see if I can start this off. You want to talk about something? You have questions or just something to work out?”

He was a very smart Daddy.

“Yes. The second one, please.” I just didn’t know how to get us any further. “I’m…looking at you while I talk feels more difficult than it should, though. But don’t be sad. I’m not hiding from you.”

Oh, that hadn’t come out right.

Thankfully, his smile just got brighter since he obviously thought I was cute. “That’s fine. Well, we could solve that several different ways. We could have you sit in front of me so you were leaning against my chest as we talked. We could text or talk on the phone from different rooms. Or if we wanted something that you might not have thought of, I could shift and you could talk to me that way.”

I could talk to Daddy dragon and not Daddy human?

“Ihadn’tthought of that.” Rubbing my hands along the wheel, I tried not to look even more nervous as I started worrying about something completely new. “That wouldn’t be rude to human you? This you? Regular you? God, I keep getting more and more offensive. I’m sorry.”

As I closed my eyes and banged the back of my head into the headrest, I sighed but Daddy chuckled. “You’re so cute. No worries. I know it’s hard to find the right words.”

“It’d be easier if you were two separate beings. Then I could call your dragon a different name and it would be easier to use in a sentence.” I just needed more practice and then I’d sound smoother when I talked about his dragon side.

“You’re doing wonderfully. It’s hard because you’ve only interacted with us when we appear human. I’m not going to get offended when you can’t figure out how to say something and no one else will either.” Boyd reached over and stroked my head. “And if they get huffy, remind them that you picked the dragons, but you’re very sure the mages would welcome you to their team.”

That made me laugh and most of my stress popped like a bubble. “That would make some of them crazy. Especially Mr. Kennedy.”

There were a handful of old men around town that would have a heart attack if I said that.

Boyd let out a wicked chuckle. “Oh, I’d love to see that.”

“Naughty Daddy.” I couldn’t help smiling as he huffed.

“WonderfulDaddy because I’m going to shift so we can curl up in the backyard and you can talk without having to worry.” I started to tell him that I could have the conversation now, but he leaned over and kissed my head. “Should we bring a blanket and some pillows so you can be comfortable?”

Like a cuddle picnic.

“And you’ll cuddle with me?” I wasn’t sure I could picture what that would look like and I couldn’t decide if asking that would be rude or not.

“You can make a comfy spot right against my side, curled up between my legs, and then I’ll be able to wrap my head around and rest it in your lap.” Boyd’s fingers trailed down my neck in a soothing rhythm.

“It wouldn’t be rude?” That might not have been the right word but it worked for the time being.

“You can pet my head and cuddle me like a big stuffed animal and it wouldn’t be rude or weird or wrong in any way. I’m your Daddy no matter what form I take, so think of it like you’re the little spoon when we have time like that.”

I liked being the little spoon.