Page 53 of Secrets and Kisses

“Mr. Librarian likes me. He won’t tattle.” Kenzie seemed very confident about that and part of me wished I had his completely irrational confidence too. “He’s very sweet.”

Well, that was nice to hear.

But was I the tattling type?

I’d never been in a similar situation before and I had no idea what I would do.

But…they did need to know my limits because when Boyd was feeling very Daddy,he’d get frustrated if they upset me.

I wouldn’t want Boyd frustrated either.

Maybe if I just fed them, it would be fine?

No one could say anything to make me nervous if their mouths were full.

“Alright, we’ve figured this out?” Alick’s tone said he was giving the other two a good stare. “We ask limits and respect them and safewords. We’ll be grateful if he gives us dessert and we’ll be nice. We just want him to know he has friends in town.”

“And we’ll let him know he can ask us dragon questions.” Kenzie’s addition made me smile.

“Or little-related ones.” Lorne’s cheerful tone made me swallow down the nerves that had started to whirl in me. “We’ll be very helpful.”

I was sure he didn’t mean that to sound scary…but it did.

Even the tiny dragons in my stomach started flying faster.

Unfortunately, they rang the doorbell before I could sort out my worries or my thoughts on them being helpful.

I needed to think faster on my feet.

Taking a deep breath, I inched away from the bedroom window and tried to walk toward the front door confidently. I was going to be Kenzie. I just hoped faking it would work until l found real confidence about all of the conversations I knew they wanted to have.

To help me.

I needed to remember they had good intentions.

It helped enough that I knew I didn’t look scared answering the door. But it didn’t let me know what to say. “Hello.”

Well, at least it was polite.

Thankfully, Kenzie was never short on what to say. “Hello, Mr. Librarian, we’ve come to talk or play or eat.”

Alick seemed to be trying not to laugh as he took charge of the greeting. “Hi, Stefan. We just wanted to stop by and say hello. We know we’ve all met you in your official capacity, but we wanted to come say hi in theyou’re dating Boydcapacity too.”

Lorne’s head was bobbing as he aimed a beaming smile at me. “And you don’t have to feed us unless you want to. We’ll also respect your safewords.”

Alick was quickly losing control of his giggles and was down to taking deep breaths.

I really didn’t blame him.

“I…” Oh, what was I supposed to say? “We could have a tea party?”

That might not have been the most logical thing to throw out there, but Lorne loved it. “That would be so much fun. Yes, let’s have a tea party.”

Kenzie just shot Alick a very self-satisfied look. “I knew he’d want to play.”

Oh dear.

Before Alick managed a good comeback, words just jumped out of my mouth. “I’m not little when I have a tea party but that’s okay.”