Page 52 of Secrets and Kisses

“And bring wipes just in case you do something messy. The paper towels in the library suck.” Kenzie’s oddly specific helpful comment made me wonder if I should tell him to keep his clothes on in the library.

I looked over at Alick to see if he was going to add his two cents.

He grinned and shrugged. “Have fun? Oh, and tell him he can always ask us about anything even if it feels weird or messy. There’s lots of stuff a new little has questions about and sometimes it’s easier to talk to another sub.”

Another good point.

I was starting to think Kenzie had earned his lasagna with all his pushy helpfulness.

“I will remember to pass that message along and I know he’ll appreciate hearing it.” I just couldn’t decide if it would make him nervous or if his research brain would find it interesting to talk to more subs.

He liked knowledge more than he felt the need to hide, so it could go either way.

Yep, we needed to talk about a few things over lunch…like how to deal with helpful new friends and when he wanted to be read to again.

Chapter 15


They were on my porch.

“No, he’s happiest at the library.” Kenzie was in his stubborn mode and just by his tone I knew he was glaring at Lorne and Alick. “We should talk to him there when he’s in his happy place.”

There was some logic in what he was thinking. However, no one else was willing to agree with him.

“But that’s where he works, and we probably shouldn’t interrupt him while he’s doing grown-up things.” Alick had another good point, which Kenzie’s sigh said he didn’t appreciate.

“He probably doesn’t have toys at work, either.” I could almost picture Lorne shrugging. “We’re more likely to get offered a snack here too.”

Snacks. I could do snacks.

“Being fed is always nice.” Kenzie was quiet for a moment. “Alright, since we’re already here.”

More good logic.

If they wanted to talk to me at work, they’d have to wait until tomorrow, and I wasn’t sure Kenzie had that much patience.

See, I could logic too.

“Maybe he’ll offer us dessert.” Lorne must not have had enough dinner because he couldn’t stop talking about food.

“I’m just hoping he doesn’t throw us off his porch or call his Daddy.” Alick paused as I tried not to giggle. “Wait. Can we call Boyd his Daddy or would that be pushy? We promised not to be too nosy.”

I wasn’t sure that was a promise they could keep…but they had waited more than twenty-four hours before coming to find me. Boyd hadn’t been sure they’d manage to make it past our lunch date on Monday.

Tuesday evening was impressive.

“We can ask. That’s not rude. That’s requesting to know his limits.” Kenzie seemed very proud of himself for finding that loophole. “We wouldn’t want to accidentally upset him because we didn’t know his limits.”

Lorne started giggling.

He obviously sensed the loophole too and approved of the tactic, but Alick was the pseudo-adult and sighed. “What would Boyd say about that?”

Nothing polite.

Kenzie and Lorne groaned.

Yep, we all knew what he would say.