Page 37 of Secrets and Kisses

“I thought it was very you.” Leaning over his shoulder, I kissed his cheek. “And now we have a way to save our place no matter what we’re reading.”

“What if we read lots of stuff?” He smiled as he turned the shiny present over in his hand. “We might need more than one.”

I liked that idea.

“Then we’ll have to get another one of these or maybe we can pick out more together.” I approved of anything that made him think of staying with me for the long run.

Nodding excitedly, he held up his bear and the bookmark. “I’m ready.”

That seemed to mean he was ready to be read to, so I nodded. “Alright, I’m going to wash your binkie and get you a drink in your bottle while you pick out a book. There are no right or wrong books, so I want you to find something that makes you happy.”

None of the guys had been exactly sure what he liked to read, but the general consensus had been he’d likeanythingbecause they’d seen him read everything fromStar Trekbooks to the thesaurus as he’d eaten in the diner.

That had been good to know but stressful.

“Yes, Daddy.” Pushing up onto his knees, Stefan didn’t seem to realize how cute he looked as he climbed over my leg and knee walked over to the shelves. “You’ve got lots of books.”

“I like books.” I just didn’t always make enough time for them, but I had a feeling that would change with Stefan in my life.

Chapter 11


Daddy had a plan and lots of books, so it seemed polite to just take my bear and go pick out something for him to read to me. He’d even gotten me presents. I got a bear with a blankie that I was supposed to rub because that was just what I was supposed to do with it, and I’d even gotten a fancy bookmark.

It was metal and wouldn’t even go melty if I accidentally dropped it in hot chocolate.

Daddy was very smart to think ahead like that even if I hadn’t told him about how hard it was to carry books and hot chocolate and cookies at the same time.

“Narnia.” Daddy had picked out lots of books just for me.

I wasn’t even being selfish thinking that because it was obvious. There were Daddy books on history and work stuff and a sci-fi series about a space lawyer I knew he loved…and then there were fun books like Narnia andSesame Streetand ones about cartoons I knew were on TV right now.

“Did you find what we should read?” Daddy came back with my binkie and my bottle filled with water and smiled as I held up the book. “Oh, that’s a good choice. We can work our way through the whole series.”

He kept talking and looking like it was all perfectly normal, so I was having a hard time remembering that I was worried about what he’d think and what would happen. He might not like me with a binkie. He might think I didn’t cuddle right. There was a lot that could go wrong.

“Can I help or do you want to hold everything by yourself?” He looked down at all my new special things and was nice about letting me decide.

But I liked my bear…and my new bookmark…and he had bought the book for me.

“No, Daddy. I can do it.” I got up on my knees again because that was easy, but I got distracted by my bottle in his hand and almost tipped over as I tried to stand up all the way. “Oops.”

Daddy was fast and grabbed my arm to keep me steady. “There we go.”

A tiny voice in the back of my head that sounded a lot like Kenzie pointed out that the whole situation was very little and Daddy. But he might not be right, so I ignored him. It was much nicer to focus on my stuffed animal and all the goodies Daddy had bought for me.

It’d been a long time since anyone had given me a real present.

Daddy hadn’t even put cash in an envelope and told me to buy myself a bottle…and I didn’t think that was because I wouldn’t know where to buy it. He knew I was smart. He’d just done it himself to surprise me.

Maybe Kenzie was right about how nice it was to have a Daddy.

“I don’t need you to cook meals for me, but if you like buying me presents, I think that would make you a very good Daddy.” Yes, reading books and buying me stuff sounded like wonderful things for a Daddy to do.

“I think cuddling with me and letting me take care of you in silly ways would make you the best little ever. So as long as we both remember what makes us the best, we won’t have any problems.” Daddy sat down in his big chair and tugged my hand.

“Come here. Tushy on that side and then legs across my lap.” He had it all planned out and he was right; we both fit. “Perfect.”