Page 31 of Secrets and Kisses

“But he’s in a happy relationship and I don’t know many littles.” I shrugged. “So he needs to be my role model and I don’t think he’d wait for a present.”

No, he’d sneak out of the restaurant on a bathroom break and see if it was in the trunk.

“How did I not know how sneaky librarians are?” Boyd took my hand as he started walking us to the front of the restaurant. “But don’t worry. I’m very attentive and I won’t let you get in trouble. I want to make sure I get to give you your presents later.”


Trying not to sigh, I did my best to smile. “Thank you, Sir.”

I might not have gotten that right because his only response was to snicker.


“Um, what’s your favorite romance trope?” Good boys evidently didn’t ask a thousand questions about their presents, but I was too distracted to ask smart ones about other topics. So random questions would have to work to keep the conversation going. “I like thethere’s only one bedtrope, but only if it’s not too dark. You’d be surprised at how many dark romances start that way.”

I’d certainly been surprised.

Holding up the books he’d bought for me, I pointed to the one on the top of the pile. “I read all the reviews for this one, though, and they both seem to be very enthusiastic about only having one bed.”

I’d decided to put the alien one back because it seemed like the male alien didn’t always understand consent.

Boyd looked like he was trying not to laugh. “Kenzie finds that trope stressful too, but I think Lorne likes it and Alick is probably praying every night that he gets to live out that trope in real life. But for myself, I think it might end up being too stressful for me. I’d worry about one of them getting talked into something they didn’t really want to do.”

Oh, good point.

“Some books really need safewords even if no one is getting spanked.” More authors needed to realize that readers might like knowing everyone was consenting to whatever was going on.

It would make that only one bed situation a lot easier to read.

“I agree and that’s why it’s important that we safeword even if sex isn’t involved.” Boyd was looking very thoughtful as we finally got closer to town, but I couldn’t tell if he was thinking about my present or about something random.

I really hoped my present wasn’t stressful for him.

But asking that would break the good boy rules, so I had to find another distraction.

“This one is supposed to have wonderful world-building and a thrilling adventure, but most of the reviews agree they’d like to see more romance in it. I don’t just read romance, though, so I’m going to do my best to enjoy the story and not try to make it something it’s not.” That was hard sometimes, though.

“Some writers just don’t understand they write romance but forgot to put the romance in.” It was frustrating. “That’s okay, though. Aliens are fun even if they’re not having sex with people. But Kenzie doesn’t understand that.”

Someone needed to save me from myself before I rambled my way into utter humiliation.

Or we could just get back to town faster.

That would work too.

Boyd looked like he was biting his lips but he didn’t laugh, so I had to give him credit for that. But it took him a second to be able to talk without giggling. “I hate to change the subject, but would you be more comfortable going back to your place or mine?”

“Wherever my presents are is fine.” That didn’t count as breaking the good boy rules because he’d asked first. “I trust you.”

I wasn’t sure if he was concerned about that or not, so I’d decided to throw it in just in case.

Boyd snickered before he clamped his lips shut and breathed through his nose for several long moments. When he finally let out a breath, he nodded. “Alright then. Let’s go to my place.”

Was that where my present was?

Presents were?

I still couldn’t get a good answer about how many we were dealing with.