That hadn’t been what I was going to say, but he nodded like I’d said something brilliant, making me feel better. “I think it’s cute and perfect for you.”
Because he thought I was little.
“I…I like everything cut up. I think that makes it more fun.” My random chatter had him nodding and stroking his hand over my back again. “You’d…you wouldn’t think that was silly.”
“That’s correct.” He watched as I ate another cucumber since my crackers were sadly all gone. “I’d love to be the one to cut your food up for you and I can see making your lunch too…once we’re at the making lunch level of dating, though. I won’t rush you.”
His levels of dating seemed to be different than the last few guys I’d gone out with. But it’d also been a thousand years since I’d gotten serious with anyone, so the confusion might’ve been mine.
Maybe it was some online thing?
“I…I won’t mind telling you about what I like for lunch once we’ve spent more time together. I’ll get confident about that stuff eventually.” I was questioning how that’d come out when Boyd ran his hand over my head again and smiled.
“Thank you.” The look on his face made me feel like he was thinking about thatkissing my headcomment he’d made. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.”
He seemed so earnest that some of my worries started to feel silly even though they’d seemed very reasonable only a few minutes earlier. “Me too.”
Very smooth.
Realizing that I wasn’t going to get anywhere with my words, I decided it was time to try a different angle.
My applesauce.
Telling myself I could do it, I set the box on the floor on the other side of his leg and unstacked the layers. When I got to the bottom one, I tried to look very relaxed as I showed him the applesauce pack because I was pretty sure that wasn’t something I was supposed to get worked up about.
The tiny dragons whirling around in my stomach didn’t seem to understand that, though.
I’d have probably had a heart attack if Boyd had said something even remotely teasing, but he was the smartest man I’d ever met and just took the squishy pack from me. “The cinnamon ones are Kenzie’s favorite. He says they taste like dessert, but I think that’s because he sticks extra sugar in them or something.”
I could see Kenzie doing that and found myself laughing quietly.
As Boyd opened it, he confidently wrapped his arm around me and snuggled me against his chest. “He ate nothing but dessert until his Daddy showed up. But you’ve done a wonderful job of picking out foods that you like and that have nutritional value.”
I’d made Boyd’s Daddy side happy.
Snuggling against him hid how red my face was probably getting. Just thinking about how grateful I was made it easier to tune out the rest of the emotions whirling inside me as he brought the applesauce pack up to my lips like it was a bottle.
I had a Daddy feeding me.
It was weird and not weird enough…which made it even more confusing because I wasn’t sure what I wanted.
“Good boy.” The genuine pride in his voice as I took a tentative suck on the plastic opening had my body flashing hot and cold. “I’m so proud of you for being so brave.”
I wasn’t sure I felt brave, but I felt kind of mushy inside.
But the best thing about sucking on my snack was that he didn’t expect me to talk. Boyd just kissed the top of my head and snuggled me tighter against him as he fed me the rest of my lunch.
I wasn’t sure I was little but I could feel my eyes drooping. It was confusing, but I thought the silly happiness I was supposed to be feeling was all mixed up with the warm, relaxed feeling that was bigger than the happy part.
“That’s right. Snuggles and a snack. Maybe next time we’ll do this with a bottle and then you could take a nap while we cuddle.” Boyd’s pleased tone made it sound like he thought that would be the best date ever.
It made the whole thing feel even more natural and I couldn’t remember why I’d thought it might be silly. But unfortunately, it was over too quickly. My applesauce hadn’t lasted nearly enough and I wished I’d packed another even though I wasn’t hungry any longer.
When I went from eating to just sucking on the opening, he kissed my head again. “I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend lunch. My only frustration is that you have to go back to work eventually, and we don’t have nearly enough time to explore your little side.”
The pout in his voice made me smile and I turned to hide my face against his chest. “Oh, you feel the same way, huh?”