Boyd leaned back, still studying me. “That’s fascinating. My dragon came closer to the surface. Think of it as an instinctive reaction to you mentioning another Dom. It brought out…I’m trying not to sound like we’re in one of Kenzie’s books, but it brought out possessive feelings.”
Oh, he was jealous.
Over me.
“But I don’t know how you saw it.” As he paused, Boyd was still looking at me oddly, so it took me a second to realize what he’d said.
“It’s not obvious to everyone?” I wasn’t sure what else to say. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”
Boyd didn’t seem to understand either based on his shrug. “It’s not something most people notice. Other dragons and mages can see it and so can other…let’s saynot Earth-basedlife-forms, but I didn’t know humans could see it.”
This sounded like something we needed the hidden books to research.
Wait. Other life-forms?
Boyd kept going before I could figure out what I wanted to ask about that interesting tidbit.
“Maybe that explains some of the odd responses we get when tourists come through.” Boyd didn’t seem sure about that, but I sincerely appreciated how seriously he was taking me. “Okay, we’ll figure this out another time. I’m feeling as distractible as Kenzie at the moment.”
That had me trying not to laugh, which seemed to delight him based on the wicked smirk he was trying to hold back. “It’s definitely your fault, naughty boy.”
That…that was the start of a spanking scene.
“But we’ll discuss that another time too.” Sitting straighter, he pulled back some of the wicked pleasure in his eyes and settled on looking warm and happy, not naughty. “This conversation was about hugs and cuddling.”
Had it been?
Oh, he was right.
It seemed he wasn’t the only distractible one.
“I…I don’t have logical or illogical reasons to tell you no.” That had his smirk coming back. “Um, I’m green?”
Green but confused.
With everything.
So kind of a dull green?
I was starting to see why a character in a book I’d read thought there should be more variations in those green, yellow, and red labels.
“That was definitely a question, not a statement, but I know you’ll tell me if you shift to yellow or red.” His statement wasn’t a question, but he waited for me to nod before he continued. “I’m going to sit on the floor and I would like you to sit with me.”
Boyd didn’t wait for me to figure out a response. He simply got up confidently and came around the side of the desk to sit against a blank space of wall. We’d need some pillows or a cushion if we were going to do this scene again.
I was planning on doing this again?
Boyd either didn’t realize there was insanity going on in my head or he’d decided to ignore it because he held out his hands. “Bring your lunch, Stefan.”
We were just going to see what made me feel happy.
Silly happy.