Page 16 of Secrets and Kisses

That shouldn’t have made me hard…but it did.

“Thank you, Mr. Boyd, Sir.”

That shouldn’t have made me hard either.

“Stefan? If I told you that you were a good boy when you did something that pleased me or that I was proud of, would that be alright with you?” Somehow, he managed to ask that looking completely serious and it was amazing.

Kenzie hadn’t been lying or just making up stories because he wanted life to sound like a romance novel?

If that part was true, maybe Boyd had been jealous at the playdate party? It’d seemed illogical at the time, but I wasn’t so sure anymore.

“I…I wouldn’t mind that coming from you…but not…not just anybody.” I wasn’t sure what point I was trying to get across other than the obvious one where I didn’t want patrons to start saying it, but I knew there was something else I couldn’t articulate.

So I rambled.

“Some of the older men are kind of…well, they’d say things…and I don’t think…that’s just…that’s just for you?” Oh, rambling was bad but I couldn’t help myself.

I wasn’t drawn to anyone else the way I was with Boyd and I didn’t want half the town telling me I was a good boy because somehow wires had gotten crossed somewhere.

The town was weird…I’d seen stranger things happen.

“I’m glad I’m special, Stefan.” Boyd looked so pleased with himself, he seemed to shine with an inner light that wasn’t…well, it wasn’t really human.

It was very nice, though…and much more subtle than Kenzie’s shine.

Did he have more control over his specialness than Kenzie did?

“You are, Sir.” Somehow that didn’t feel as stupid as it had before. “I…I usually sit down in the back for lunch. Would you join me, Sir?”

The change of scenery made me feel good even if I wasn’t leaving the library, but now it would give me privacy in case anyone showed up at the door.

“Yes, Stefan, I’d like that.” He gestured toward my office and waited for me to start walking before he followed me. “Do you need to heat up your lunch or anything like that?”

Shaking my head, I couldn’t decide if I liked that I couldn’t see him or if him walking behind me was the reason I wanted to moan. “No, Sir.”

“Alright.” Boyd’s tone had me wanting to turn around and explain that I’d brought real food but that sounded crazy considering he hadn’t said anything critical.

Telling myself I was overreacting, I took a deep breath as I went into my office and grabbed my food out of the small fridge tucked into the corner. “Have you had lunch, Sir? I have enough to share if you’re hungry.”

“Yes.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smile. “I just finished lunch, but thank you for thinking of me.”

And I was blushing again.

But I did my best to ignore it as I sat down with my lunch box and started getting out my food. I expected him to start in on the discussion I thought we were going to have, but he was just sitting there smiling when I looked up. “You have a Lunchable, Stefan.”

“No.” Shaking my head, I got out my crackers and cheese. “It’s a bento box, and adults put all kinds of food in them, some hot and some cold. But everything has to be cut up small so it fits. It’s a real grown-up lunch.”

I’d seen it on a video online and they’d said lots of grown-ups liked it because it was fun.

“That’s a very good point.” Something shifted in Boyd’s smile making me want to squirm and blush, so I had to look away. “I can’t wait to see what kind of other things you like in your lunch box.”

How did he make that sound like I was a kid?

It should’ve been teasing that made me frustrated but it wasn’t that kind of teasing.


“Because…” If we were going to talk about the mythical creatures running around town and his Daddy-ness, I should be able to ask questions. “Because you’re a Daddy? Kenzie said so.”