Page 14 of Secrets and Kisses

My head was so all over the place when I walked in that I just stood there staring stupidly at him when I saw him behind the big desk in the middle of the library. He was like one of the main characters in Kenzie’s dirty books, sexy librarian and all.

God, he even blushed again.

“I…Welcome to the library, Sir.” Something must’ve clicked at how submissive it sounded because he went still and licked his lips. “Um, Mr. Boyd?”

If his goal was to sound more grown-up, his second try wasn’t any better than the first…but it was the best mix of sexy and adorable. It also chased away the bulk of my frustration. “Either one is fine, Stefan.”

He shivered.

Ignoring his reaction and how it made him look even more innocent, I made my way closer to the desk. “You usually close for lunch around this time, right?”

Nodding slowly, it took a few seconds for his brain to come back online. “Yes, Sir, Mr. Boyd.”

How could he just keep getting cuter?

“Would it be okay if we talked over your lunch break? I have a few things I need to discuss with you and I think privacy might be a good idea.” And based on how the first part of the conversation went, I was seriously considering a second topic…because putting off the personal side wouldn’t make it any easier. “If you’d feel more comfortable with other people around, I can call over someone like Kenzie or the deputy to hang out while we chat.”

Instead of looking more relaxed, Stefan cocked his head and looked confused. “I…I don’t know how to answer that since I’m not sure I understand what the discussion will be.”

Nodding to himself, Stefan continued his adorable response before I could find mine. “Kenzie’s conversational topics are always…interesting and while I understand he’s in a relationship with the deputy, I’ve only talked to Deputy Talon about…well, about something unrelated to his role in Kenzie’s life.”

He talked around topics so well I knew I was going to have to take lessons. I wished I could’ve done just as well responding to him, but I knew my limits and it would’ve come out confusing, so, sadly, I had to stick with a simpler response. “I’d like to start with a conversation that relates to your discussion with the deputy the last time he was in the library and then move on to something of a more personal nature.”



“So…so business first and then personal if that…if that goes well?” Stefan stopped, waiting for me to nod before continuing. “But either way, if I feel the need to have someone else around for the discussions, you’d be fine with that.”

“Yes, Stefan. Your comfort comes before my desire for privacy.” I wanted that to be perfectly clear.

It just seemed to make things more confusing for the cute librarian, though.

“Kenzie can’t keep a secret.” As I tried not to laugh, he realized how that might’ve sounded. “I’m not being mean. He said so too. And he…he keeps calling…well, secrets are hard for him, so maybe we should do this on our own?”

His logic couldn’t be faulted, so I nodded. “I should’ve taken that into consideration, but Talon can keep things to himself if needs be.”

Stefan’s head moved back and forth almost imperceptibly. “Yes…yes, I can see that, but…but I think we’ll be fine.”

Looking utterly innocent and adorable, he sat up straighter. “I trust you, Mr. Boyd, Sir.”

Chapter 5


That hadn’t sounded any better, but at least he’d smiled?

I’d have been able to sound more reasonable or logical or grown-up or something if he’d looked less like a Dom from one of Kenzie’s books, but Boyd was just…he was so distracting.

“Thank you, Stefan. I’m glad you trust me, but if something changes and you want me to call the deputy over after all, I just need you to say yellow and we’ll pause things. If you decide I need to leave, you just need to tell me red.” Boyd gave me anotherDom from a romance novelstare and paused. “Do you understand what I’m saying, Stefan?”

He’d given me safewords.

“Yes, Mr. Boyd, Sir. I…I understand.” Did he give them to everyone he thought was a stressed-out sub or was it just something about me? Maybe Kenzie and Lorne hadn’t been as confused as I’d thought they were? “I’m green.”


He didn’t think that sounded insane, though.