Talon managed not to laugh.
Stefan looked shocked.
But Kenzie rolling his eyes was my favorite part. “Like I’d need to talk in code for that. What are they thinking?”
I had no idea whathewas thinking, but Stefan was too focused on the flying part to worry what his neighbors thought. “It’s not rude?”
Talon shrugged. “Private but not rude.”
Mostly because teenagers were assholes and could make sex jokes out of anything, so the adults had stopped talking about that kind of stuff, which made it sound taboo.
We had to work on our fucking communication.
Ignoring the prying eyes that were peering out the front door, I took Stefan’s hand and pulled him away from Kenzie to give him a quick kiss. “We can go home and I’ll show you.”
“What if someone sees?” Before I could answer that one, Stefan kept going. “What if I fall? What if it’s uncomfortable? What if I get cold? What if everyone finds out?”
That last part was timed perfectly to coincide with the diner door opening and I could hear the gasps from our nosy neighbors.
Talon was back to snickering but he could breathe, so I ignored him and stayed focused on Stefan as we finally got far enough away that we had real privacy. “I will be careful. We won’t go high. We can get you a coat, but I think you’ll be fine.”
“They give off a lot of heat.” Talon finally managed to add something helpful to the conversation, so I stopped ignoring him. “It’s not uncomfortable, just unfamiliar, and the town knows enough about you that this would not be what finally sends them over the edge. So I wouldn’t worry about it.”
He had a good point and Stefan’s nod said he realized that.
“Okay…” Nodding to himself, Stefan stepped closer as we stopped by the car. “Okay. Yes, I can see it being unfamiliar.”
He wasn’t giving me nearly enough to go on, but Kenzie didn’t seem to mind that. He just focused on his goal. “So let’s go back to our place because that’s got more room to maneuver without an audience, and oh, you—”
Interrupting what might’ve been an endless ramble, I jumped in. “Yes, I have protection for both of us. He won’t be seen.”
“How does that work?” Stefan’s shocked tone echoed just enough that it must’ve made it into the diner because more faces were pressed against the windows.
Now they thought he was confused about how the orgy would work.
As I decided if him looking that innocent would be a good thing or not, Kenzie was helpful and explained the protection mages made so that we wouldn’t end up on the news.
“That’s marvelous.” Stefan’s face lit up as he probably came up with a dozen more questions. “I’m very impressed.”
And the customers in the diner were still very confused.
Fuck it.
“In the cars.” Shooing Kenzie toward his, I focused on Stefan. “Do you want to shift with them or go back to your place?”
I lived too close to town to make his first flight at my house. If he screamed, everyone would know it and the gossip would get even weirder.
“It’s easier to get naked at my place.” Kenzie’s excited decision-making help had his Daddy snickering and Stefan finally remembering the lack of clothes part.
His eyes went cartoon sized and his mouth dropped open.
That wasn’t fixing thewe’re not having an orgyproblem.