“They’re morelive in the momentkind of people orlive in this worldkind of people?” The idea that they’d come through a portal to Earth was still incredible, but I could see where the details of it would fade unless people fought to keep it alive.
Boyd actually stopped to think about that for a split second before he kept walking. “Both, in some ways. From what I’ve heard and read, my original ancestors who were trapped here actually liked it. They were teenage siblings who’d come over for what we’d see as a badass field trip.”
God, that would’ve been insane.
“And they liked it here?” I was missing something.
“Yeah.” Boyd gave a shrug as he turned us down a path that would eventually circle back to the car. “Family gossip says their biological parents weren’t great. I don’t know anything beyond that, but they seemed to have seen it as a fresh start and the rest of the family going forward took that viewpoint.”
“I don’t blame them. They probably had their reasons, but pushing away their past made it harder for us to understand things now.” Glancing at me, he shrugged again but there was something in his eyes that had my breath catching in my chest. “Like knowing what mates can do and how to explain it when you’ve found your mate.”
I felt my mouth open, but I couldn’t stop thefish out of waterexpression I was probably giving him.
“You are adorable.” Boyd tugged me closer and kissed my nose since my mouth was still hanging open. “An adorable dragon mate.”
“How do you know?” It would suck if he got that wrong. “I mean…”
I wasn’t sure what I meant.
“I knew you were special the moment I first saw you, but you looked so innocent and you were so focused on the practical side of the interview, I didn’t think you noticed me at all.” He gave me a stern glare that sent a shiver through me. “I might have to punish you for that.”
He’d punish me?
Like, spank me?
On my list, I’d explained I had questions before we could proceed with that, but we hadn’t gotten around to the questions yet.
It was hard to ask them with his cock in my mouth.
Yep, we needed to spend more time in public…oh, was that why Kenzie was always saying naughty things in public? Did he have trouble keeping his Daddy’s dick out of his mouth too?
That would explain a lot, honestly.
“I’m usually very good, Master.” Yes, we couldn’t forget that part. “But would it help to know that I thought you were so sexy and even when that council member with the dark hair that’s badly dyed…I don’t remember his name…well, that didn’t change even when he started talking to the loud lady about if she thought I could handle working with people who weren’t human.”
Boyd looked like he wanted to crash his head into a tree. “We practiced what to say. We really did.”
Poor Daddy.
“They thought I was in the bathroom. I think?” They’d probably thought they were being very careful. “They seemed very excited about my ideas for the library, though, and it didn’t sound like I’d get eaten.”
That’d really been one of my only concerns.
Boyd was shaking his head. “The deputy thought we were aliens.”
“That makes sense too.” I’d have probably gone there if they hadn’t sounded like it was a fairy tale kind of conversation. “I never thought you were aliens, though.”
I’d known they were magic from the very beginning.
That was much better than aliens…and I’d rather be eaten than probed.
“Every time I think we’re getting closer to fitting in, someone does something stupid.” Boyd’s gruff tone made me want to tell him that it would get better, but I didn’t want to lie to him.
One of my patrons had floated every time she’d sneezed.
Yeah, it wasn’t going to get any better.