“Best. Christmas. Ever.” I chuckled and crossed my arms over Alex’s chest. His smile matched mine and he twirled a strand of hair around his finger. “This time, I’m not letting you get away.”

“And I’m never letting you go.” He promised me with a kiss that swept away any lingering doubts. He didn’t seem to care that I’d just finished blowing his best friend. He kissed with a desperation that left me breathless and full of love for all of them.

I wasn’t sure what would happen next, but I knew that it included me and these four firemen. I’d move heaven and earth to be their happily ever after. They were already mine. If only we could figure out what to do about Henry’s job.

“Who wants to explain what changed your minds about me?” I turned my head to the side to look at Derek, who looked far too proud of himself.

“I’ll explain everything as soon as you answer a question for me.” He trailed his fingers up and down my ribs, the touch almost but not quite tickling.

“What?” I yawned sleepily. I hadn’t gotten much rest the night before after finding out about the pregnancy and wondering whether I should tell them. I couldn’t believe how well they’d accepted the pregnancy. They truly were okay with sharing me. Samuel’s earlier words trickled across the back of my mind. He’d said any future kids, along with this one. He wanted to take care of me. They all did.

Derek propped onto one elbow. “Just what kind of calendar does your grandma want from me?”

I laughed and buried my head into Alex’s chest. “Preferably a naked one, but I don’t think I can handle walking into Grandma’s kitchen and seeing you plastered on her kitchen wall.”

“I don’t know.” He laughed and his head lolled backward.

“The only naked calendar we’re making is one for Emma to masturbate to.” Samuel tipped my chin up. “Not that you’re going to need one when we’re all available to you anytime you want us.”

“That brings up a good point.” I looked past Samuel to Henry laying behind me, his cock still in my ass like he was waiting for another round. “What about your job?”



I’d never had a Christmas like this before. I settled deeper into the middle of the couch and wrapped my arm around Emma’s shoulders. Sunlight danced through the front windows and caught the lighter brown highlights in her hair where they draped over my arm and around the side of her face.

We’d come back to my house last night after our sex session. My place was bigger and gave us all more room. Plus my kit was here, and I planned on putting it to good use in a little while. “Are you sure your mom and grandma are okay with you staying here today?” I couldn’t stop touching her. It seemed unreal that she’d picked us. She thought she was the lucky one for having all of us, but we were the lucky ones. Most women wouldn’t even consider getting into a relationship with four men.

Emma came to us with open arms and never hesitated.

She snuggled up to my side and palmed my cock. “They understand. I’ll see them later tonight.” Without stopping to take a breath, she lowered my jogging pants and took me into her mouth.

“You’re going to ruin me, baby.” I’d told her that before, and I meant it. She’d ruined me for anyone else. Ever. I loved her so damned much I couldn’t breathe at the thought of having to give her up.

She tongued my cock, licking the underside and then grinning up at me. “That’s the plan.”

Samuel turned around from looping garland on the Christmas tree we’d hauled out of the attic late last night. We’d stayed up all night decorating until we collapsed in bed. Emma had come down to the living room first thing this morning and gotten back to work. But now it seemed like she needed a little playtime.

I stretched out to give her better access and gripped her ass and squeezed. “Why don’t you take off that robe and climb in my lap?”

“What will you give me if I do?” Her smile widened and she brought her lips back and forth over the head of my cock, then put her lips over the head and sucked.

Fuck, I loved this woman. “I’ll give you your Christmas present.”

Samuel snorted behind me. “Pretty sure coming in her pretty pussy isn’t a Christmas present.”

“Not talking about that.” I worked my fingers through her hair and couldn’t help but let her take me deep and slow into her mouth until I hit her gag reflex, then pushed past as she hummed. “Damn I love it when you do that. You’re an angel and I’m a devil. I don’t deserve you.” My chest pinched tight as I revealed all that with the guys listening in. It was true for all of us, but more so for me. I was the one who reveled in punishment and marking her with my hands. It wasn’t often that what most considerednormalsex worked for me, but having the guys in the room, watching her work my cock, helped give me a sense of naughtiness that pushed me closer to the edge.

Emma popped straight up on the couch and flung my robe off her shoulders. The move bared her breasts, and she settled in my lap with my cock in her hands. She steered the head between her legs and rubbed it back and forth over her clit. “It’s not about who deserves what. We love each other.” She eased me inside and rolled her hips forward. “And I need you to fuck me, Henry. That’s all the Christmas present I need.”

“So, you don’t want to move in with me?” I planted my feet on the floor and surged upward, bottoming out inside her with a suddenness that made us both gasp. “With all of us?”

Her mouth fell open, and her eyes were half glazed with lust. “Why do you all keep asking me questions like that when you have a dick in me. Don’t you know how hard it is to think when we’re fucking?”

I stopped moving and held her hostage with my hands on her hips. She ground her teeth and her mouth twisted into a frown.

“Well,” she huffed. “I guess I deserved that.”