Each passing second heightened the anxiety, and the unanswered question lingered in the back of my mind. Would Emma respond?
I broke the uneasy quiet while piling ornaments on the couch where Emma and I first had sex. “She’ll call.”
“If she doesn’t, we’ll find a way to track her down.” Henry was determined. “You know, in a non-creepy kind of way.”
“We can't rush her into a decision. If she needs time, we give it to her.” Samuel started cramming branches in the fake tree while Alex came behind him and fluffed them.
Alex nodded, his gaze fixed on the phones. “We can’t let her slip away. Not without a fight.” He cuffed me on the shoulder. “You were right to call us out. Sorry we gave you so much shit.”
“Eh. I’m used to it. New guy on the team always gets the shit end of the stick. I’m just glad to be right about something.” I took a box of Christmas plates and cups to the kitchen and started washing them. Shit. Everything I did reminded me of Emma.
As if on cue, my phone buzzed. We all stopped and stared. The name "Emma" flashed on the screen, and we all released heavy sighs.
“Thank God.” Alex motioned for me to hurry up.
I snatched up my phone and answered. “Emma, hey. You got my message?”
“I did. What do you want to talk to me about? I’m with my mom and Grandma.” Her voice was low and quiet, the tone full of tension.
I didn’t want to apologize over the phone, but I would if it meant she’d agree to meet us. “I need to see you. Please. It’s important.”
Alex cupped a hand around his ear and leaned toward me. “What’s she saying?” he whispered.
I waved him off and focused on Emma.
“I don’t know if I can today.” She stopped and I heard a hushed conversation in the background. Something about hot firefighters and a calendar. “Grandma, stop.” Emma’s light laughter buoyed my spirit. Sounded like her grandma was on our side and encouraging her to come see us. Or me. I hadn’t told her we were all here, afraid she’d refuse to come after what happened last time.
“Okay. Derek. I’ll come. It’s the only way Grandma will give me my Christmas present.” She chuckled into the phone. “She wants me to ask if I can make her a new calendar using you as a model.”
“Tell her I’d be happy to agree as long as it means you’ll come to the apartment.” I held my breath until I heard her sigh.
“Give me a few minutes to change clothes.” She hung up without a goodbye, but I didn’t blame her for that either.
I waved my phone at the others. “She’s on her way.”
A sense of relief washed over the room.
“Alright. Let’s get to work.” Henry started barking orders and we all jumped into action.
I wanted this place looking amazing when Emma walked in. Maybe the shock of it would keep her here long enough for us to say what we needed to say.
It felt like hours passed before a quiet knock sounded on the door.
I jerked around to look over my shoulder, then pushed Alex out of my way. He was in the middle of hanging ornaments on the tree. We all were. “She doesn’t know you’re here. Maybe don’t overwhelm her.” I jumped over the couch and yanked the door open before she could lose her nerve and walk away. I caught her in the middle of turning around. “Don’t go. Please.” I stretched out my hand but didn’t touch her. “Will you come inside?”
She stood in the hallway, her red skirt and Santa sweater were the cutest thing I’d ever seen her wear. She knotted her hands together but nodded and followed me. “Derek, there’s some—” She stopped abruptly. “You decorated.”
“We all did.” I stood in the middle of the living room and spread my arms wide. “For you.” The Christmas tree twinkled with white lights that reflected in the mirror and created little sparkles on the walls. We’d covered the branches with dozens of ornaments, and Henry had draped garland over the doorway and windows. Christmas music played from Samuel’s phone, and a fire crackled in the gas fireplace on the far side of the room. A box of stuff for the mantle waited on the floor.
“For me?” she whispered and took another step. Her eyes glittered with what looked like tears.
Alex, Samuel, and Henry all moved into view and she froze again. Time stood still as I took her in. She looked beautiful, as always, but there was something different about today. Today, I knew that I wanted her to be mine forever. The five of us were meant to be together. We were perfect for each other. We balanced each other out in ways I never even understood that I needed.
“You’re all here.” Her face whitened and she smoothed a hand over her stomach. “That makes this easier.” She blew out a breath. Her chin quivered but she stood ramrod straight. “I’m pregnant.”