Grandma met me in the hallway. I sank into her comforting embrace and let the hot tears roll down my cheeks. She patted my back and soothed me the same way she’d done my whole life. Grandma and Mom were the strongest women I knew. They loved me unconditionally. I knew they’d never judge me if the test turned up positive. They’d be there to support me no matter what. They were not the ones I worried about. We stood in the hallway, with my school year pictures marching down the dark wood paneling, marking time until my phone beeped.

I lifted my head from Grandma’s shoulder.

“Now then.” She held my cheeks tight between her palms, squishing them together like she used to when I was a kid. “Wipe your face. Take a breath. Then we’ll see what we see and go from there.” Her head dipped in one quick nod. “Right?”

“Right.” I grabbed a washrag from the hall closet and dampened it, then scrubbed it over my face.

Grandma stood at the bathroom door, giving me space to check the test myself while offering her quiet support.

I stared hard at myself in the mirror and took a deep, cleansing breath. I could do this. No matter what the test showed, I would not be ruined by falling in love with four men at the same time. My dark eyes shone back at me in the mirror, and I finally saw the conviction I needed in them. It bolstered my courage enough to pick up the test.


“I’m pregnant,” I spoke through numb lips. My heart kicked hard and joy swept through me. “Grandma, I’m pregnant.”

She hugged me again and smiled. “Your mother is going to shit a brick.”

I burst out laughing. “That’s putting it mildly.” Mom was due to arrive at Grandma’s late tonight. We spoke to each other often on the phone, but her work as a night shift nurse kept us from seeing each other as much as we wanted.

“Are you going to tell them?” Grandma asked.

I turned the test around and around in my hands. “That’s the question I keep asking myself.”

They deserved to know. But did I want to put them all in that situation? Any of them could be the father. It was most likely Henry or Derek since I’d had sex with them first, but Samuel and Alex happened soon enough after that I had no clear contender for that positive sign on my pregnancy test.

Did I tell them or let it go?



Iwasn’t above adding a little breaking and entering to my almost pristine record. I’d do anything for Emma, and since I was the only one who believed in her innocence, it was up to me to find the truth. And Christmas Eve was the perfect time to do it.

The firefighters had been called out for a fire about a half hour ago. I knew because I’d been waiting in the weight room for a chance to sneak past them. Once they all left, I crept up the stairs and jimmied the lock on Miles’s door. I’d always like the director. He was a good guy and he’d do anything to help somebody. I understood that his hands were tied in this situation.

The door popped open with a gentle click, and I slipped inside the office. It didn’t take long to crack open the filing cabinet and find the file with Henry’s name on it. I flipped it open and found the complaint laying right on top. Perfect. I snapped a picture with my phone, then zoomed in to make sure I could read everything clearly. The name snagged something in my memory. I knew it somehow, but I didn’t have time to look it up while standing in the director’s office. I placed everything exactly as I’d found it and locked the door behind me on my way out.

I made myself wait until I’d returned to my car to search for the name. My social media came in clutch, bringing up the woman’s picture, along with those of her friends. “Gotcha.” I sent off a group text to Henry, Samuel, and Alex, demanding they meet at mine and Alex’s apartment in a half hour.

Their responses came one after the other. Alex tried to argue that he was busy, but I lambasted him into agreeing. I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt for it either. He’d been a dick to Emma with his accusations and refusal to believe her innocence. I had proof now, and I’d be damned before I let him keep moping around acting like he wasn’t torn apart by what he’d done.

I’d tried already to get them to call Emma and apologize, but Henry had shut me down. He said that as long as the complaint was active, we all needed to stay away from Emma. I called bullshit on that too, and I was about to prove them all wrong. Emma was the woman we all needed. I wanted her in my life from here on out. I loved her and this was how I wanted to prove it to her and all of them.

Henry and Samuel were already in the apartment when I arrived, and Alex skulked in right behind me. I palmed my hips. “You’re all a bunch of shitheads. You owe Emma an apology.”

“Not this again.” Alex turned back toward the door. “We’ve been over this.”

I grabbed his arm and shoved my phone in his face. “This is the woman who filed the complaint against Henry.”

Recognition hit Alex and he staggered back a step. “Wait, how do you know she did it?”

I flipped back to my pictures and showed him the photo of the complaint. Once he’d looked at it, I passed my phone to Henry, and then to Samuel. “It’s a false report. From a friend of Alex’s ex-girlfriend. Her name is Tammy Brooks. She’s never even been to the fire station that I know of.” I showed them her pictures from social media while Alex fumed and paced the kitchen.

“Fucking Danielle.” He raked a hand through his hair. “She did this because I refused to give her money. I never thought she’d sink this low.”

“Get ahold of Danielle and tell her she’d better get that report removed from Henry’s record before I call the police.” I pointed at Alex. “Then you’re going to apologize to Emma.”

Henry sank onto the nearest barstool and dropped his head into his hands. “We’re all fucked. She’ll never forgive us. I never…”