“In my defense, your stove cooks hotter than mine.” She shrugged and pulled her shirt cuffs down over her hands, tucking them into her palms before folding her arms on the counter and bouncing her knees up and down. “They were only on medium. I didn’t think they’d burn that fast.”

“You shot her down for that?” I winked at Emma and leaned in close. “I’d never shoot you down. No matter what you asked.”

Her gaze traveled over my face, drifted down to my lips, and then shot back up again. Pink colored her cheeks and she covered them with her hands. The black sweatshirt just made her look that much more adorable.

Alex grumbled under his breath but never turned around. He reached across to the back burner and grabbed the second skillet.

“Alex, wait!” I shouted a split second too late after realizing he was reaching for a cast iron skillet without an oven mitt.

“Fucking shit.” Alex cursed and yanked his hand back. The skillet scraped across the stove but didn’t fall as Alex slammed his hand to his chest and cursed until he ran out of breath.

Emma jumped up from her stool and ran around the counter. “Let me see.” She held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. “How bad is it?”

“It’s fine.” Alex kept his fingers curled together. The fingers of his other hand wrapped around the wrist of his injured hand. His knuckles were bone white and even from where I sat, I could see his hand shaking.

He was lying through his teeth.

“Alex, let me see.” Emma touched the back of his good hand.

He yanked away from her, wrenching so far to the side that he almost crashed into the stove.

I stood and made my way slowly toward him, sliding into the space closest to the stove. “Easy. She’s just trying to help.”

“Yeah, well. What if I don’t want her help?” Alex took another step back. “Keep your fucking hands to yourself. I don’t need anything from you.”

“Fuck you, Alex.” Emma slammed her palm down on the counter and held out the other one. “Get over your fucking self and show me your damned hand. I worked in a doctor’s office. I know what I’m doing.” She glared at him without flinching. “Give me your hand. Now.”

Whoa. Hot mama alert. Seeing this side of Emma came as a complete shock. I’d seen her soft and sexy side with Derek, but this version… whew. She turned me on like nobody’s business. I couldn’t remember the last time a woman gave me a hard-on so fast. Blood pumped to my dick in a rush that left me dizzy.

I’d come here to check on Alex and test the waters with Emma. Now I knew for sure that I needed in on the action. If she’d have me.

Alex huffed and grunted like a caveman, but he stretched out his hand, placing it in her upturned palm.

Emma’s quiet caring showed a nurturing side I hadn’t expected. She winced while looking over Alex’s hand. “It’s a decent burn. Doesn’t look like you’ll need to go to the hospital. I’ll get the first aid kit.”

When she released his hand, Alex took his time drawing it back to his chest. His gaze followed Emma all the way across the apartment until she disappeared.

“Dude.” I finished cooking the chicken in the skillet and turned off the stove.

Alex looked back at me briefly before turning back to watch for Emma’s return. I didn’t blame him. She was a sight, the way her face scrunched in sympathy, and the gentle way she touched Alex. It warmed me to see her taking care of him like this. He should have someone who cared for him. Not that bitch Danielle.

Emma checked the burn again, cleaned it, then applied ointment and wrapped Alex’s hand in a strip of clean gauze. “There.” She patted his forearm and kissed his wrist. “I can’t make it instantly better, but that should help.”

Alex flexed his hand and rubbed his thumb over the gauze. His gaze turned thoughtful, and he met Emma’s hopeful expression with a rueful half-grin. “Thanks. Sorry for being a jerk.”

“Eh.” She waved a hand. “Not the first time I’ve been cussed out for trying to help.”

“Excuse me?” I plated up the food and carried it over to the counter, then motioned for them to sit and eat.

Alex’s eyes narrowed and he gave Emma a long look. He looked positively murderous at the thought of anyone cussing at our Emma. “Do you remember their name?” he asked.

Emma gave him a cheeky grin. “Yes. But I’m not telling you. HIPAA law.”

Alex started to say something else, then seemed to change his mind. He dropped onto the stool and ran his good hand over his head in slow, soothing strokes.

Emma looked me over and tipped her head to the side. “Do you want something to eat?” She pointed at her plate. “Or is there something you need?”

“You could say that.” I pressed my palms into the edge of the counter and leaned toward her.