Samuel’s grip was impossible to break, but I still yanked my arm back and snarled at him even as he hauled me to the far side of the fire truck. “What the hell, Samuel?”

Samuel looked past me, toward where I’d left Emma. “Maybe give her a minute before you go asking her to ride your hose. I know we’re both anxious to be next in line, but we don’t want to scare her off.”

“She had sex with Henry, you know that, right?” I pointed toward Henry’s office, where Henry stepped back and let Emma walk past him into the office.

Henry’s gaze never left Emma. I could practically see the wheels churning in Henry’s mind. He closed the door, and the muffled sound shot through me. Did he lock the door? Was he planning on banging her again right under our noses?

Samuel shoved a firehose at me. “I know. And that means she needs some time to think. Henry isn’t like us. I’m not telling you not to go after her. Hell, I plan on climbing into bed with her as soon as I get a chance.”

I considered what he’d said and how he’d brought up Henry. “What do you mean Henry’s not like us?”

Samuel shook his head. “Trust me, if you need to know, I’ll tell you. If this whole sharing thing gets to that level.” He shrugged. “Focus on the job while we’re on the job. You can talk to Emma all you want when we’re off duty.”

“Henry fucked her in his office,” I hissed in a low breath. “But I can’t even talk to her?”

“It’s jacked, I admit it.” He threw his arms up. “Do what you want, but I’m trying to help.”

Like always. Samuel was always looking out for me. I looked toward Henry’s office one last time. Nothing moved and no sounds drifted through the thick walls. I ground my teeth together and nodded once. “Fine.”

I’d wait to talk to Emma. But the next time we were in the apartment together, we were going to have a discussion. If she agreed that we could do this without feelings getting involved, then I’d consider giving in to my desire for her.



I’d never had a workday like this one. Which was probably a good thing. I mean, I really shouldn’t go around fucking my bosses. Henry was the exception. I couldn’t wait to be with him again. What other stuff might he make me do? I still felt the power of him between my legs and tasted him on my tongue. I’d never had a sexual experience like that. It opened up all sorts of new fantasies. Derek’s idea of sharing was growing on me by the minute.

“Go home, Emma.” Henry tapped his watch and looked at me from the side.

I stood in a smooth motion that belied the tension gripping me. “What about you?”

He gathered up another of the endless stacks of paper. “I’ll be here a while longer.”

What if I offered to stay? I started to ask, but then stopped. I’d had sex twice today already. I shouldn’t push my luck. Being with two guys, combined with Henry’s unique needs, had made me slightly sore, and all I wanted was to go home and soak in a warm bath.

I gathered up my purse and coat, then stopped by Henry’s desk. “Thank you. For this morning. I had fun.” Please say we would do it again sometime. My thoughts screamed at me to invite him into the tub with me. That would mean inviting him to come to Derek and Alex’s apartment. Probably not the best idea. I rolled my lips together and headed toward the door, giving him a little wave on my way out.

“I’ll see you soon.” Henry’s husky voice followed me out the door.

I shivered in delight and tugged my coat over my shoulders. Flipping my hair out of the collar, I scanned the building in search of Derek or Samuel. Or even Alex. I hadn’t seen any of them since Alex stopped to talk earlier. I wasn’t sure if they were avoiding me or if this was their normal day. The thought of going back to their apartment by myself didn’t appeal so I walked to my grandma’s house instead.

A brisk wind kicked up, sending flurries of snow scampering across the sidewalks and into the recently salted roads. I’d have to consider taking a cab before long, but right now I enjoyed the walk. It left me with my memories of the morning playing on repeat. And what delicious memories they were. I felt myself grinning and realized people meeting me on the sidewalk were smiling back. They had no idea what filthy things I had on my mind. I laughed behind my gloved hand and crossed the street.

Grandma stood in the open door, kissing her boyfriend. Whoops. I paused at the end of the drive and waited for them to finish their goodbye. Once he was in his car and backing out into the street, Grandma looked up and caught me standing there like a dork. She waved and grinned. “Come on in, honey.”

That’s what I loved about Grandma. She was never too busy for me and always made me feel welcome. A sudden rush of guilt swamped me. What was I doing, having sex with Derek this morning? That was bad enough, but then I’d gone and tempted Henry until he had sex with me too. What did that make me? Was I a sexual deviant?

Oh God. What if I was a sexaholic?

I’d let Samuel and Alex watch me have sex, and I’d enjoyed it. I’d enjoyed it way too much for my own good. Even worse, I was considering letting them share me.

“You going to stand out there all day or come in here and tell me what’s wrong?” Grandma planted her hands on her hips and glared at me until I hurried forward and crossed into the kitchen.

“How’d you know something’s wrong?” I asked as I sat in the kitchen chair and poured a cup of tea. I must’ve stood out there longer than I realized if she’d had time to set up for tea.

Grandma snorted. “Lord, Emma. You wear worry like a shawl. It’s obvious on your face. You looked fine at first, but I watched it come over you like a bad storm.”

“It’s kind of a personal thing.” I hedged toward the conversation and took a sip of my tea. “You might not be comfortable talking about it.”