The thought of it caused a jolt of excitement to run straight to my erection. I turned on the water and climbed into the shower with the weight of my cock in my hand. I had to find relief. And if I wasn’t willing to ask Emma for it, then I’d do it myself.
I sank onto the narrow bench seat and stretched out my legs. Hot water peppered my throat and chest and ran down my stomach. I wrapped one hand around my shaft and stroked it downward while imagining Emma spread out in front of me. I sank deep into the fantasy and fisted my dick tighter.
Derek said she was tight. I’d seen his dick. I might be slightly shorter, but I was a damned sight thicker. If she took me, it would stretch her. I’d have to go slow, let her adjust to my girth. I’d never had a woman complain about my size until my ex. She acted like I was too small for her, though I knew otherwise. Still, it had shaken me to hear her bemoan my sexual experience when we made love.
Emma wasn’t like that. I’d seen the enjoyment on her face when Derek took her. She’d loved every minute and had been on the verge of asking for more when her phone alarm went off. She’d thought about what I said, and I’d seen raw need in her eyes when I mentioned taking all of us.
Was it possible that she’d take on more than one of us? My erection swelled at the thought, and I resorted to two hands to get the full amount of pressure I needed.
With my fingers laced together, I created a tunnel that I thrusted into while working my hands up and down.
Every thought turned to Emma and the look of pure ecstasy on her face as she screamed and came. The sight had twisted within me, and for the first time in my life, I’d been jealous of Derek. Jealous that he’d gotten to feel her pleasure while I stood aside and watched. I should feel like a perv for not walking away, but she was so glorious. Walking away would’ve been a shame. Why should I miss watching something so beautiful when I knew she liked seeing me there?
I pictured Emma in the middle of my bed, naked and ready for me. I pumped my hands and imagined it was her tight pussy wrapping around me. I wanted her on top of me, her tits bouncing as she rode my dick hard and fast. She’d bunch her hair up in her hands, thrusting her boobs forward for me to grab. She had wonderfully heavy breasts, the kind that I loved to fondle and suck. My touch would drive her wild, and she’d scream my name while she came on my cock.
My toes curled while my back arched, and I shoved myself deep into my hands. My cum spurted out in thick waves that hit the shower wall and trickled down. I shuddered my way through the aftershocks then grabbed the removable shower head and cleaned the wall.
There was no doubt about it, I was completely hung up on Emma. Not that I’d do anything about my feelings. They were safely locked away. As long as I stayed away from her and didn’t give into Derek’s ridiculous idea of sharing her, then I’d be fine. It’s not like she’d agree anyway. It was the heat of the moment that made her consider it. Now that she’d taken a step back, she’d realize she didn’t want to do anything so far outside of societal norms.
I took in a deep breath and made myself stand and shower. By the time I stepped out of the bathroom a half hour later with my clothes on and my hair dried, with my beard freshly trimmed, Emma was long gone.
Samuel waited for me in the kitchen, casually eating from a plate of cold bacon. “Feel better?”
“Shut up.” I grabbed my phone and keys from the shelf where I always dropped them and started to shove them into my pockets. The phone screen flickered on when my thumb grazed the front. My message icon showed one new message.
“I’ll feel a lot better once I get Emma’s answer.” Samuel continued. He’d been my mentor since I joined the fire department, but right now, I wished he’d leave me alone. He’d taught me everything I knew about fighting fires and been my best friend despite our age difference. He was also my superior, but that only mattered when we were on duty.
“Shut up or I swear I’ll tell Emma that you take steroids and your dick is the size of a peanut.” It wasn’t true, and anyone who bothered to look at Samuel’s junk would know that, but the threat silenced him long enough for me to focus on my phone.
I frowned while opening the message app, and the sight of my ex’s name on the screen tightened my gut into a knot. Even though I knew better, I opened the message and read it all the way through.
She wanted to meet.
“Don’t be late. Don’t be late. Don’t be late.” I raced into Henry’s office with seconds to spare and tossed my purse onto the tiny desk he’d set in there for me. He glanced my way then at the silver watch wrapped snug around his wrist. One eyebrow arched up in a semblance of a smirk, but he didn’t say a word.
I refused to let him ruin the feeling of triumph I felt at having made it, especially after the morning I’d had. My cheeks heated at the reminder of what I’d just been doing, and the sensation left me feeling out of sorts. I’d had sex with Derek.
And it was fantastic. I still felt him between my legs, and a rush of heat settled in like I hadn’t just had the best sexual experience of my life. How could I still be horny after this morning? It made no sense, but I definitely wouldn’t turn down another chance to feel that marvelous cock.
Or one of the others.
Oh shit. My face flamed hotter, and I almost reached for the stack of papers on the corner of my desk. I didn’t know if I intended to use them as a fan for my flushed skin or to hide behind.
Henry’s gaze landed on me. I tried to ignore it, but the man had a stare that was impossible to ignore.
I’d had sex with Derek in front of Samuel and Alex. Having Henry look at me like that shouldn’t be nearly as embarrassing as all that. I remembered the way they’d looked at me, the raw hunger in Samuel’s gaze and the flickers of want in Alex’s eyes. They’d wanted me too. I didn’t understand it at all.
Henry opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of papers. He started flipping through them, and the sight of deft fingers caused my breath to hitch.
“Put these in the file behind you. The one labeled ‘Updated Protocols.’” He held the papers out to me.
Heat pumped into the room from the nearby vents. The one behind Henry shot his cologne straight at me, and I inhaled the scent deep into my lungs. The spicy sweetness reminded me of Christmas.
I stood on shaky legs and retrieved the papers. Our fingers brushed and the electric current that raced up my arm caused me to drop the whole stack. The pages fluttered and scattered, landing on the floor in a wild disarray. “Shit.” I dropped to my knees and started gathering them up. Pages were out of order, and some had drifted beneath Henry’s desk. I eyed the space and tugged my hair over my shoulder to keep it out of my face. “I’m sorry.”