My knuckles whitened from the tension of holding back.

“You know, I thought yesterday that you liked me.” She kept her position in front of me without wavering. “Was I wrong about that?”

Enough. I stood with exaggerated slowness.

Her eyes held mine for several seconds, then like a magnet pulled them downward, she looked lower.

“Damn it, Emma.” I palmed the desk, putting my hands between hers and leaning in so close our breaths mingled. “I’m trying my best not to fuck you right here where everyone can hear you scream my name as you come.”

Her fingertips twitched on the desk and her thumbs brushed over my pinkies. “Henry?”

That breathless whisper pushed me over the edge. I held onto my control by the slimmest thread. My voice turned guttural, the harshness surprising even me. “Get out of my office. You’re not ready for the things I want to do to you.”



What the actual fuck happened? I blinked at Henry and tried to formulate a coherent response, but my mind conjured all sorts of naughty images instead. His bulging erection scrambled my thoughts. So, hewasattracted to me. Good to know.

Henry’s fearsome scowl warned me away. He wrenched his hands back when I skated my thumbs over his hands again.

Should I leave or should I see if he really meant what he’d said?

“I’m not fucking around.” His voice growled low and dark.

Damn if it didn’t turn me on. I pushed, even though I knew I should back off. “No? I thought that was exactly what you wanted to do.” I shifted my weight forward, pushing my tits between my arms in obvious flirtation.

His jaw sawed side to side. “Fuck me.” His voice barely rose above a whisper.

“I’d love to.” I realized I meant it the instant the words left my mouth.

Henry snapped his head toward me and raised one hand in a stop motion when I moved. He backed toward the door, then yanked it open. “Alex. Derek. Get in here.” He watched me every second, his gaze taking me in from head to toe. He left the door open and strode back to his chair. Sitting in a smooth motion, he hid his erection beneath the desk.

An ache settled low in my belly and started a throbbing in my core. He looked at me like he wanted to devour me. I’d never had anyone look at me like that before.

Shaggy blond hair stood on end when he scrubbed both hands over his head and down his face. For a man who always looked like he had his shit together, he was coming undone.

Because of me? Now that was the turn-on of a lifetime. Imagine me turning on a man like Henry? It was almost unthinkable.

But that look in his eyes promised pure devastation if I let him between my legs. I soaked my panties thinking about what he’d do to me.

Derek and Alex filed into the room. Derek grinned at me, flashing a dimple along with a wink. Alex held himself back and his more reserved attitude settled the tension in the room.

“What’s up, boss?” Derek dropped into the nearest chair and spread his legs out in a way that would be vulgar on a woman but made him look badass. It also brought attention to his dick, which was outlined nicely in his athletic pants.

Hot damn. My mouth watered at the sight of that deliciousness all wrapped up.

Henry motioned at me with one hand. I was sure he meant for the move to be casual, but his hand twitched at the last second and ruined the effect. “Emma needs a place to stay until after Christmas. You two still need a roommate?”

“Yes,” Derek answered so fast he almost cut Henry off.

Alex’s quiet reluctance cut through the room. He glanced at me but didn’t let the look linger.

Henry motioned between the three of us. “She needs someplace closer to the station. Let her stay with you until her apartment opens up again.”

I worked the dryness from my throat and tried not to let my eager anticipation show. I never imagined that when I showed up to work this morning that I’d get to be roomies with not one but two hunks.

Alex frowned but didn’t argue. He had an understated handsomeness with his square jaw and carefully groomed black hair. He was thinner than Derek, but he emanated strength the same way Henry did. Derek and Samuel were the obvious gym junkies, with their enormous muscles. I appreciated all their bodies for different reasons.