This was a mistake.
I stacked and restacked the same sheaf of papers and tapped them into obedience on the edge of my desk. The clock high on the wall across from me ticked down the time.
It was after eight-thirty and Emma hadn’t arrived yet. I’d told her to be here at eight sharp. Her lack of punctuality annoyed the hell out of me.
How was I going to work with her when she couldn’t even get here when I said?
I stood and closed the blinds on my door. Samuel, Alex, and Derek worked out in the exercise room to pass the time and keep in shape. Most days, I joined them. Not today.
Today I’d be training Emma on how to be my assistant. I’d let Samuel convince me to hire her yesterday. His attraction to her was a detriment.
Hell,myattraction to her could get me fired. I’d never work as a firefighter again, much less gain a supervisor rank, if I crossed that line.
The door banged open and Emma rushed in. Her purse slipped down her arm and her coat was buttoned up wrong. Curls hung around her face in a wild disarray. When I combined that with her gasping breaths, I assumed she’d been running.
A spurt of sympathy rushed in. I squashed it with a fierce hand and scowled. “You’re late.”
“I’m so sorry.” She turned and closed the door behind her, then darted around my desk.
I’d carved out a small space for a desk in the corner furthest away from me. I needed her out of reach.
Her purse thudded to the floor and fell over, spilling the contents toward me. Why did women carry so much with them? I’d never understood it. Makeup, tissues, a glasses case, and stuff I couldn’t begin to understand covered the floor.
“Shit,” Emma cursed then looked over at me. Her cheeks flushed and she dropped to her knees. With quick, darting movements, she swept everything into a pile. “I’m really sorry, Henry. I underestimated how long it would take me to get here from Grandma’s house.”
“You live with your grandmother?” I couldn’t look away from her. Her position on her knees was one of my favorites, and it sent a surge of heat through my entire body. “Oh, that’s right. You said you needed the job to help her with the rent.”
“It’s temporary.” A tube of lipstick rolled away from her grasping reach and disappeared under the edge of my desk. She crawled over the floor on her hands and knees and stuck her hand under the desk. With her face smushed against the desk and her ass in the air, it was all I could do to keep my seat. I’d never been more grateful for the wooden sides that made up the walls of the desk and forced her to bend like that.
She was a fucking angel sent to torment me. I adjusted my thickening cock and watched her ass wiggle back and forth as she searched for the lipstick. Her hand brushed over my foot, then grasped my ankle before she continued patting around on the floor.
“You don’t see it, do you?” She sat back and pushed her hair back from her face. “My lipstick,” she clarified when I lifted an eyebrow.
I rolled my chair back and peeked beneath the desk. It took some maneuvering to block my erection from her while I looked for the slim tube. She sat at eye level with my crotch and didn’t seem inclined to move. It would be so easy to unzip my fly and tell her to take me into her mouth.
She was my employee. Fuck if I’d cross that line. I didn’t even know if she wanted anything to do with me. This woman already had Derek and Samuel salivating over her. My tastes were… questionable in most circles.
A woman as delicious as Emma would never be interested in the kind of kink that got me off.
I snatched up the tube of lipstick and held it out to her while scooting my ass back under the desk. For a split second, I imagined her beneath the desk sucking my cock.
“My grandma has this new boyfriend, you see.” Emma pushed to her feet, flashing me a glimpse of her pink panties beneath her flowy skirt. It was the kind of skirt that bunched up perfectly in my hands and would frame her ass in excellent detail.
Blood rushed through my ears and into my groin. The sudden surge forced me to pinch my leg to keep a groan at bay.
“They were up most of the night, which kept me up most of the night.” She chuckled and blushed at the same time.
While I didn’t want to hear her story, I couldn’t escape the sound of her voice. It flowed in a sweet melody, the cadence rich and smooth. I wondered what it would sound like lifted in ecstasy as she came. I was strong enough to resist her. I told myself that over and over again while watching her lips move.
“I never thought Grandma would love anyone else after Gramps. And maybe she doesn’t love Neil, but she’s happy.” She shrugged and scooped her purse into her arms. “You donotwant to know how happy Neil makes her. Not that Grandma shouldn’t have fun.” She shuddered. “But there are some things I’d rather not hear, and Grandma having sex is one of them. I donotwant to stay there and have to listen to that every night.”
Fuck an angel and call me the devil. I wanted her even more now. “And that’s why you were late?” Now that she’d started talking, I didn’t want her to stop. Her honeyed tone gave me a chance to sink into a delicious daydream.
Emma would be the perfect star to my show. I’d never fucked anyone in my office before. I imagined standing and walking to the door. Flipping the lock.