I tried my key, hoping against hope that it would work, but the door remained locked thanks to a secondary master lock that I didn’t own a key to. Fuckity, fuck, fuck.
I kicked the glass door, which did nothing except bruise my toes. I cursed what Grandma would call a blue streak and hobbled down the sidewalk. A few cars zipped up and down the road, but the early morning rush had dissipated, leaving the street quiet.
I sank onto the curb and tucked my knees to my chest. Tears welled in my eyes no matter how hard I tried to push them back down. I glared at the building over my shoulder. Was there any other way inside? My apartment had a fire escape, but the ladders were too high for me to reach from the ground. Maybe if I dragged a bunch of stuff from the alley into a heap, I could climb up. Was I really that desperate to get my clothes? Hell yes. Three weeks with nothing more than what I was wearing and the few things I kept at Grandma’s was nowhere near enough. And now I didn’t even have a job to buy more clothes. I’d have to stretch out my meager funds as long as possible. So much for helping Grandma and Mom with Christmas this year.
I groaned and dropped my head onto my knees. A cold wind stirred my hair and slid down the back of my neck. I shuddered and tightened my grip on my legs. I’d get up in a minute and walk back to Grandma’s. At this point, I couldn’t even justify calling an Uber for a ride.
An engine growled in the distance. Tires screeched and a horn blew long and loud. My head flew up. A fire truck careened around the corner going way too fast. Black marks appeared on the road as the tires spun and the backend spun out. It straightened on the narrow street.
I gulped down a scream as it barreled straight at me.
“Stop!” I shouted at the driver even as I was shoving my way to the edge of the truck closest to the sidewalk. Brakes screeched and the truck swerved but I didn’t give a shit. I leaped off the truck and raced forward.
Henry shouted behind me, but he could take a flying leap for all I cared. This had nothing to do with him unless he wanted in on the action. In which case, I might be persuaded. Derek and I already had a thing for Emma. I understood if Henry found her attractive too.
Emma looked up at me from her position on the curb. Her wide eyes were full of fear until the truck slowed to a stop behind me.
I had recognized Emma the instant we careened around that corner, and I spotted her sitting on the curb with her knees drawn up. She’s unforgettable. Those big brown eyes and that gorgeous body. I could fall into her and never come up for air. There was something about her that dragged me in.
She stood when I approached and brushed her hands across her ass. Probably just dusting debris from her clothes, but damn it made me want to offer to give her a hand. I’d do more than brush her ass. I’d haul her up against my throbbing cock and show her a damned good time. I couldn’t adjust myself without being obvious, so I left the beast alone for now.
“Are you okay?” I took her hands and held them between us. “Are you hurt?”
She shook her head, sending her brown curls cascading over her shoulders. She smelled like cinnamon and clove. The tantalizing aroma made me want to bury my nose in her throat and bite the curve of her shoulder.
God I was a mess for this woman. It made no sense, but I gave absolutely zero fucks. I was too old to care, except that at forty I was too old for her.
She blinked and her lips opened in an O as she took me in.
We’d just left a fire, so I knew I smelled like smoke and had soot lines across my face.
“I feel like I should be asking you that.” She pulled a hand free of mine and brushed her fingertips over my cheek.
The touch electrified me. I wished she’d put that hand somewhere about three feet south. My dick jumped at the idea.
“I’m fine.” I brushed off her concern and focused on being whatever Emma needed. “Why are you sitting out here like you lost your best friend?” Shit. She better not have literally just lost her best friend.
Her face crumpled and she melted into my arms in great, heaving sobs.
Fuck. I’m screwed. I wrapped my arms around her and rocked her side to side. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You can tell me.”
Sobs wracked her body. “It’s stupid.” She sniffled and tried to pull away.
“Nope. You’re okay. Stay right here and tell me what’s wrong. Anything that makes you cry like that is not nothing.” My hands slid up and down her back. I tried not to enjoy it but that would’ve been like asking a fire not to burn while pumping it full of oxygen.
Derek and the rest of the guys stayed on the truck. I’d worried that Derek would interfere with my moment, but he’s young and still terrified of a woman’s tears.
That’s one good thing about my age. I’ve been around long enough that tears stopped scaring me.
Emma mumbled into my jacket. “I lost my job and then I almost died.” Her sobs intensified.
“What can I do to help?” I used my knuckle to tip her face upward.
Her lips quivered and tears rolled down her cheeks.