“Don’t worry about us.” Derek sat back on the bed and stretched. “We’ll get our turn, and we’re more than willing to wait.”

“I gotta admit, I like this.” Samuel circled one finger around Emma’s nipple, then lowered his head and licked the diamond hard peak. “Henry promised a night of fun, and that’s what we’re all going to get. I’m willing to drag this out for hours.”

“I saw something you might be interested in.” Alex raised up onto his elbows and motioned at the wall. “What do you think about getting fucked with another dildo? One that’s bigger than all of us?” He rubbed a hand between her legs. “I wonder how much this pussy can take. Could you hold two of us in there at the same time? What about two in your pussy and one in your ass? Then you blow the other one and all of us get off at the same time.”

Damn. This kid has been seriously thinking this through. I’d wondered along the same lines but planned to work up to it. Alex presented it as a question and gave Emma a chance to have a voice in the decision.

“I think I’d like to try that.” She cupped his cheek. “Going to take some maneuvering, and we might have to build up to it.” Her gaze darted over to the dresser and the dildo in question. “But that looks like a good start.”

Fuck, I had so many ideas. One of them fucking her with the dildo while I whipped her ass into a frenzy. Then, when we were done, I’d teach them about aftercare.

“You’re amazing.” Samuel kissed her and traced the curve of her jaw with his finger.

She stretched out her body, raising and lowering her arms and rotating her ankles. “I don’t know how I’m going to give this up when I move back to my apartment after Christmas.”



Well, that happened. I rolled and stretched in Henry’s bed, my body deliciously sore in all the right places. Henry was right. I’d never had sex like that. It was amazing, and I never wanted to stop. Letting them love me was becoming my favorite pastime. They worked my body and made me feel exciting and beautiful all while pleasuring me to the point of insanity.

“Morning, beautiful.” A low whisper grazed my ear at the same time a warm hand gripped my hip and stroked down my thigh.

“Samuel.” I breathed out his name and rolled my hips back, cupping his iron-hard cock with my ass.

He chuckled and nibbled on my earlobe. “Ready to go again?”

“Yes.” Always. I’d never get tired of this. “What about the others?”

They were all asleep in Henry’s massive bed, piled in with arms and legs thrown everywhere.

Samuel nuzzled the back of my neck with his nose and brought his hand around to touch between my legs. “That’s up to you, sweetheart.” His breath whispered over my ear, and he raised up on one elbow to kiss my jaw, then my lips. “Whatever you want.”

His kisses were almost as addictive as his cock. The hard length slid between my ass cheeks and his fingers parted my folds to reach my clit.

“I want to take a shower. With you.” I barely held back a gasp of pleasure when he pressed his fingers deeper.

His hand disappeared, and his warm weight left the bed behind me. The sudden loss of him left me bereft, but then he scooped me up into his arms and carried me toward a door I hadn’t noticed before. “You’re going to love this.” He nudged the door open with his toe and used his elbow to flick on the light.

I blinked several times to clear the sudden sparkles of light after being in Henry’s dark room sleeping all night. The bathroom was large and extravagant, with a massive, claw-footed tub in one corner and a shower/bath big enough for three on the right-side wall. A pedestal sink stood opposite the shower, and a closed door led to what I assume was the toilet.

What an amazing house. I had to find out how long he’d lived here. And if he’d always lived alone. It seemed a waste to have this much room and no one to share it with. My cheeks heated. It wasn’t like he’d be asking me to share it with him. He’d taken such good care of me last night, making sure I was okay and covering me in lotions and creams after we finished having sex. He’d told the others all about aftercare and how important it was, especially after a rough session.

Last night had been rough at some points, but nothing I hadn’t asked for. The more he pushed, the more I wanted to give.

Samuel set me on my feet in the shower tub and turned on the water. A square showerhead in the center of the ceiling rained hot water down over my head and shoulders.

“One shower. As the lady demands.” He climbed in after me and closed the door.

I stood on my tiptoes and looped my arms around his neck, pulling his lips down to meet mine. Trickles of water ran down our faces and between our bodies. I reached between us and guided his cock between my legs. He slid in and set a slow rhythm that drove me crazy.

Half an hour later, both freshly washed and grinning from sex, I tugged on one of Henry’s bath robes and danced into the bedroom. Henry, Alex, and Derek were still asleep, though Henry’s light tossing told me he might be waking up soon.

“Henry?” I sat near his calves and stroked the back of his hand.

His eyes opened a crack, then widened. He took me in from head to toe, and a slight smile crinkled the edges of his mouth. “Emma. You’re up early.”

“I want to cook breakfast for everyone. Is that okay?” The veins tracking across the back of his hand fascinated me, and I traced them with my thumb all the way up his forearm and back down again.