Muscles popped out across his chest and shoulders, and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I was a little jealous of him when the brunette stopped dead in her tracks and her mouth fell open.
She looked delicious in her cute little skirt and burgundy top. Soot covered her face, making it hard to get a good look at her, but I’d seen enough to know I was interested. She shook her head and took another step.
Yeah, come on baby.
I took off my own coat and threw it on top of Samuel’s. “You want to go right here, old man? I’ll take you on.” I peppered him with a few fake punches and bounced away on the balls of my feet.
Samuel rolled his head side to side, cracking the bones in his neck. “You’re on. Time someone taught you a lesson.” He went for a headlock, but I ducked under his arm and wrapped both arms around his waist.
He laughed and shoved a hand behind him working it beneath my armpit and ruining my advantage. I’d planned on throwing him over my head, but he wrapped his arm around mine and I felt my feet leave the pavement when he leaned forward.
“Can it, you two,” Henry growled the words and slapped both of us on the shoulder. “Stop acting like horny teenagers. We’re professionals out on a job. Act like it.”
“Yes, sir.” Samuel and I answered at the same time then grinned at each other like a couple of kids caught stealing candy.
Henry was right. People were watching us, and we had a reputation to uphold. Roughhousing at the station to blow off steam and get rid of the adrenaline was one thing.
I released Samuel and he thumped my back.
“We’ll finish this later,” Samuel said in a low whisper.
The woman stopped a few feet away and twisted her hands in front of her stomach. She had the kind of curves that turned me hard just looking at them. I didn’t want her to leave, but I wanted to see that sweet ass. I’d felt it while carrying her out of the building and I wanted more.
“Hi.” Her voice was raspy and thick from the smoke inhalation, but she sounded sexy as hell.
I straightened and hooked my thumbs into my suspenders. “Hey. How are you doing? Did the EMTs check you out?”
She blushed and tucked a strand of that beautiful dark hair behind her ear. “Yeah. I’m fine. Little hoarse but…” She shrugged and chewed on her lip. A tiny diamond stud in the space above her upper lip flashed in the sunlight. Her pink lipstick was almost completely gone, but her plump lips begged to be kissed.
I darted around Samuel and stuck out my hand. “I’m Derek.”
“Emma.” She shook my hand and blushed deeper. “I wanted to thank you for saving me in there.” She waved over her shoulder as a shudder wracked her body.
“It was my pleasure. I’m glad you’re okay.” I meant every word. The fact that she turned me on had nothing to do with it. Even sooty and her voice deepened by smoke, I felt drawn to her.
Samuel and the others stood behind me in varying states of amused interest. I felt Samuel start to move around me, and I threw out a hand to block him.
Emma met each man’s eyes. A delicate sheen of tears caught on her lashes and she blinked. “Thank you all. You’re all heroes in my book.”
Well shit. Now she’d gone and made us all feel sappy. I stepped forward and took her hands in mine. I brought them up and tucked them beneath my chin. “You’re welcome, Emma.”
Her warm fingers curled around mine and she stared into my eyes. Her lips parted enough for her tongue to dart out and lick her lips.
“We need to go, Derek.” Henry’s usually gruff voice softened. “We’re all glad you’re okay, Emma.”
She didn’t seem to know what to do with all of us looking at her, so I shifted closer and leaned down. “I shouldn’t do this.” I sighed and squeezed her fingers. “But can I have your number?”
Her eyes widened. “Yes.” She laughed. “I was trying to figure out how to give it to you without sounding like a weirdo.”
She tugged on her hands, and when I released them she pulled a scrap of paper from her pocket. “I stole a pen from the ambulance.” Perfect white teeth worried her bottom lip. “I hope he didn’t need it for anything.”
“Well, if he needs to perform an emergency tracheotomy, I’m sure he’ll manage without it.” I laughed at her startled expression. “Sorry. Bit of firefighter/EMT humor.”
“Oh.” She smiled then and it brought out the deep brown of her eyes when she lifted her head. “Well. You have to go.” She took a step back. “And I should get out of the way.”
“Trust me, you’re not in my way.” I’d drag her into the fire truck and take her with me if I thought Henry would let me.