I knew then that I didn’t care how dark Henry’s kink went. I was more than willing to go along for the ride. His body convulsed and he increased his speed, driving into me harder and faster. The orgasm he’d denied me rushed in, swamping me in a tidal wave of bliss. I shoved Henry’s belt between my teeth and bit down hard on the leather. My entire body stiffened, and I clamped down on his cock with all of my strength. I needed to feel him come inside me with a desperation that I should find frightening.
“Emma. Fuck. You’re strangling my dick, and it feels so damned good. Keep doing it. Just like that. Oh, baby.” He stiffened and let out a deep groan. His cock swelled and hot cum spurted inside me in wave after wave. I worked my hips over his cock in a slow wave, milking every last drop from him.
Henry stayed between my legs for several minutes. Our gasping breaths filled the office, and he unbound my hands before pulling his cock out and tucking it back in his pants. He scooped me up and cupped the back of my head, cradling me against his chest. “Did I hurt you?”
“No.” My voice sounded scratchy from holding back my screams. I cleared it and looked up at him from beneath my lashes. “I’m beginning to think that Derek was right.”
“About what?” He narrowed his eyes at me. “We just had sex and you want to talk about Derek?”
“Not exactly.” I gripped the front of his shirt and smirked. “Derek brought up the possibility of him, Alex, and Samuel sharing me. Alex had some interesting ideas on how that might work.” I waited a heartbeat before I continued. “I’d like to see what else you can do. If you’re willing.” I wanted to have my choice of all of them. I knew that what Henry had done to me today was just the beginning.
And the possibility of more was too delicious to ignore.
What was I thinking? I scrubbed both hands down my face and around the back of my neck. I knew better than to agree to meet my ex. I also knew she wouldn’t stop until she got what she wanted. Whatever the fuck that might be this time.
Samuel walked past me carrying a hose over one shoulder. He gave me a look in passing, a silent question that asked what was the matter. I frowned and refused to break down over something as simple as seeing my ex again. We’d never get back together. I didn’twantus to get back together.
After what I’d seen with Emma this morning, I had other dreams now. I’d seen what it could be like between two people, and I refused to settle for less ever again. I ground my teeth and reconsidered. Things with Danielle were great in the beginning. I’d thought she was the one. Didn’t I owe it to myself to try and work things out?
We deserved a chance at happily ever after. I’d only known Emma for less than three days. I couldn’t pass up a sure thing for the delicious idea that Derek and Emma presented.
I glanced at the clock on my way to the equipment room to check our equipment. Not even noon. Could this day go any slower?
A noise from Henry’s office drew my attention that way. The door had been closed all morning. That wasn’t unusual. Henry often closed the door when he had a lot of paperwork to catch up on. But something about the closed door with Emma and Henry in there together made my nerves prickle.
“Here.” Derek shoved a coat at me. “This one’s torn. We need a replacement on the truck.”
“I’m supposed to be checking the equipment.” I caught the coat before it hit the floor.
Derek shrugged. “You've been busy moping around this morning. Thought I’d take care of it for you.”
The hours stretched into infinity before my shift ended. I checked my phone and grimaced at the message from Danielle saying she’d meet me behind the fire station at eleven.
I tossed the coat back at Derek. “Here. Since you decided to do my job today, you can be the one to tell Henry you need a replacement.”
Derek scowled and looked toward the office but skulked that way without a word.
Good. Now I just had to get outside without Samuel growing suspicious. He’d hung around me all morning, like he was waiting on me to fall apart. I wasn’t that fragile. Looking over my shoulder and grabbing the overflowing trash from the can, I tied it up and headed out back. The bag got me outside the station without suspicion.
Danielle popped around the corner almost right away. She’d obviously been out here waiting for me. “Why didn’t you come inside?” I motioned at the thickly falling snow. “Warmer in there.”
Danielle buffed her arms, then hopped around. Her petite frame barely put her to my armpit, and her delicate features flushed with the cold. She had a pert, upturned nose and a willowy body that I’d loved for three years. I knew every inch of her body, and her expressions. I’d been right that she wanted something. Her gaze caught mine and she licked her lips. “You’re looking good.”
“What do you want?” I practically growled the words in her face, leaning in close so she couldn’t misunderstand my anger. I’d managed to keep it under control until I saw her. All my rage boiled up and spilled over. “Unless you’re here to apologize…”
She wrenched backward, her arms snapping over her chest. “I didn’t come here to fight.”
No, but she sure as shit came for something. I intended to find out what. Looking at her, I realized that everything I’d been feeling culminated in this moment. I had a decision to make. We could try and go back to how things were, or not.
“What do you need, Danielle?” Her name still rolled off my tongue with that honeyed sweetness that made it linger. I wanted her, and if she offered, I’d take her back and pick up right where we left off.
My emotions rampaged from hot to cold and back again. I’d thought I knew what I wanted, but having her standing in front of me tore me up inside.
Danielle closed the distance between us and slipped her arms around my neck. “I missed you, Alex.”