A muscle leaped in his jaw and his nostrils flared, but he walked out of the office and stepped into his gear without saying a word.
He hadn’t shown me what I should do while they were gone. After straightening my skirt and making sure my hair wasn’t all over the place, I left the office. The firefighters ran in every direction. It appeared to be chaos, but I knew there must be some sort of order to the whole thing.
Henry pointed from his position at the back of the truck. “Derek, you checked the hoses?”
“Yes, Captain.” Derek wasn’t smirking now. His look was pure concentration.
“Alex, you and Samuel have point. Derek, you’re with me. We go in slow and clear each room.” He jumped onto the truck and took one last look around the building. His gaze caught on me and he hesitated. “Go on home, Emma. We’ll be out late.”
I didn’t get paid to leave early, but there was no need in staying clocked in and sitting around doing nothing. The fire truck pulled out of the bay, sirens wailing as it screamed down the street. They were on their way to put their lives in danger while I stood there like a ninny wishing Henry had finished what he started.
What did he mean by all that, anyway? And giving me permission to fuck Alex or Derek? What was that all about? What about Samuel?
So many questions raced through my head that an ache formed behind my eyes. I rubbed at it and made my way back into Henry’s office. Papers had scattered all over the floor from our passionate moment. I stopped to pick them up before grabbing my purse and the address and keys from Derek.
Their place wasn’t far, and the weather had turned warm for the moment. I put my horny, unfulfilled ass to use and walked to the apartment building that was in the opposite direction from my own.
I’m flabbergasted that he’d just given me the address and keys like that. I mean, I considered myself trustworthy, but what did they really know about me?
They’d seen me at my worst. Yesterday, I was homeless and jobless. Thank goodness I’d left some clothes at Grandma’s a few months ago or I wouldn’t have had anything to change into this morning.
And now that I had the memory of Henry fingering me while I wore this skirt, it was now one of my favorites.
Derek and Alex’s apartment complex looked similar to my own. Brown brick covered the outside and worn carpet the inside. But they had a working elevator, so bonus points for them.
I paused outside the apartment door and peeked up and down the hallway. No one jumped out to stop or question me when I inserted the key and turned the knob.
Whoa. I hesitated on the threshold and double-checked the number Derek had written on the paper. They lived here? The apartment was not only tastefully decorated with a sleek couch, a kitchen table with matching chairs, and stainless steel appliances, but it was spotless.
I closed and locked the door behind me, then threw my purse on the small island in the middle of the kitchen and kicked off my shoes before I began my exploration.
Two hallways split off from the living room. The one on the right led to a small bedroom with a full-sized bed, dresser, and its own bathroom. This must be my room.
I chewed on my lip and inched toward the other hallway. Henry had said they’d be gone all day. I shouldn’t have to worry about them catching me snooping. I deserved to know what kind of men I’d agreed to move in with. Snooping was totally allowed. The next door I opened revealed a bedroom done in darker tones. Shoes were lined up in the closet and the bed was perfectly made. Alex’s room, I decided. I knew I was right when the next bedroom had protein shakes and weights in the corner.
The cleanliness surprised me, though it shouldn’t come as a shock that the two men didn’t live like animals.
What did Henry’s home look like? And Samuel’s? Did they own houses or live in apartments?
My attraction to all four men was getting out of hand. I’d asked Henry to fuck me today and he turned me away. It should be obvious that Derek would be my preferred bed buddy, but I liked all of them. Even Alex, with his quiet reticence.
If I had to pick one to sleep with, who would it be? Which one should I choose if I get the chance?
Bacon? The tantalizing scent dragged my tired ass up out of the bed. I rubbed my gritty eyes and blinked at the alarm clock. Six o’clock? Why the hell was Alex cooking so early? A yawn cracked my jaw. We’d been out until late fighting a big structure fire at an abandoned warehouse. I was exhausted and horny. Not a good combination.
I rolled off the bed and landed on the balls of my feet. The scent grew stronger when I opened my bedroom door and my stomach grumbled. I’d harp on him after I ate breakfast. My sleep-addled brain screeched to a halt when I rounded the corner and spotted Emma in the kitchen. She wore a long t-shirt that hung off one shoulder. It covered her ass but when she shook her hips and raised her arm overhead, I was given a glorious view of rounded cheeks and lacy red underwear.
My erection strained forward, and I swear to God it pulled me into the kitchen.
Emma shimmied her hips again and sang into the spatula handle. Her voice was low and husky, the perfect blend of sex and sleep. I couldn’t help myself. I slid an arm over her hip and pulled her back against my chest.
She squeaked a tiny scream and jerked in my arms, spinning around and holding the spatula up like a weapon. Big brown eyes widened, and she blinked then reached up and pulled out her earbuds. “Derek. You scared me to death.”
“Sorry.” I wasn’t, but it seemed like a bad idea to admit I didn’t mind her wiggling.