Page 19 of All We Are

Scowling, I will myself to relax. I’m well aware I’m being ridiculous.

“JJ,” he says softly.

“Don’t call me that,” I say reflexively.

He sighs. “Jeremy.”

Don’t call me that either.

See? Very, very ridiculous.

“So is this really how it’s going to be now?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I don’t realize my steps have picked up speed until a hand shoots out, clutching mine and squeezing, halting me in place, right along with that stupid organ in my chest that can’t seem to get the memo it should be fluttering for literallyanyonebut him.

Whirling toward him, I rip my hand from his and glare at him. “What?” The word wrenches out of me, shocking both of us with its intensity. He rears back, eyes wide.

I stare at him, lips pursed, begging him with my eyes to just drop it.

People grumble and roll their eyes as they have to step around us. Hell, we stopped dead center in the street in the middle of a fucking parade. People pass by on either side of us, and yet with the way we stare at each other right now, it’s as if no one else exists here but us.

The whole city could be on fire for all I care.

Mason’s throat dips with his hard swallow.

“We’re gonna get left behind.”

“So what? We’ll find them at the end.”

I give a little shake of my head and start to continue walking, but he reaches out, grabbing my shoulder this time, and stopping me. “You promised me we’d be okay. That you could—”

I drop my hands at my side and cut him a searing look. “Yeah, and I said I needtime.”

His eyes tighten. “It’s been months.” I see more than hear the words, the way his lips frame each syllable. The way that stupid lip ring winks back at me.

Months foryou. I scoff, the bitterness gnawing at my insides.

He has no clue. No fucking clue at all. And I know it’s mostly my fault. I should’ve been completely honest with him when I had the chance. But no, instead I took the coward’s way out and just gave him a little bit of my truth. Just enough to get him to listen and respect my wishes.

It’s been four months. By all accounts, itshouldhave been enough time. More than enough time. So I guess I can’t blame him for thinking shit’s all fine and dandy now.

If anything, I’m just pissed off with myself.

“I’m sorry,” he says.

“Stop apologizing,” I beg, my voice cracking. I wave a hand at our surroundings. “All you’ve done for the greater part of this year is fucking apologize.”


I glare at him and he bites his lip, sucking his lip ring into his mouth.

Stifling a groan, I tear my gaze away, looking at everything and nothing, least of all him. “Come on,” I mutter, and start walking again.

He’s quick to catch up to me, but this time he keeps a good foot between us, though it doesn’t escape my notice how determined he is to stick close.

“Why are you so intent on shadowing me?” I ask, keeping my gaze trained ahead. I see a familiar set of space buns appear, higher than they should be, silhouetted black by the sun.