“You have shit aim,” I tease.

“Maybe I missed on purpose. A warning shot, if you will.”

“Uh-huh.” I grin. “So you’ll help me then?”


“Pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee,” I draw out, batting my eyelashes at her dramatically.

“Fine,” she grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Really?” I smile, leaning forward in my chair, having not actually expected her to agree.

Truth be told, I came here hoping to find an opportunity to speak to Kaia again, but since she hasn’t come out of her office a single time I’ve been here since that first day, and it’s not like I can just barge in there considering thisisher place of employment, I’m calling an audible.

“Really. But so help me, Remi, if you fuck her and then break her heart, I will come to your house and suffocate you while you sleep...”

“Damn, that got dark.” I chuckle. “Having kids has made you weirdly homicidal.”

“I’m serious. I have to work with this girl.”

“Understood. If I fuck her and decide that’s all I wanted, I’ll ease out gently.”

“I should have known this was all about getting laid.” She shakes her head at me, a soft strand of strawberry-blond hair falling loose from her ponytail.

“If all I wanted was to get laid, I’d go to a bar and pick up the first semi-attractive woman who approached me and fuck her in the bathroom.”

“That’s a visual I didn’t need, thank you.” She shakes her head a second time. “Then what is this about, really?”

“Call me curious.” I shrug. “I felt like we had a bit of a connection, and I just want to see if I read it right or if it was fleeting.”

“I swear to God, Remi. You better not make me regret this.” She pushes to a stand.

“Are you doing it now?” I jump to my feet.

“No, right now I’m walking you to the front door because I actually have work to do. Then, when I’m able, I’m going to call my husband and make sure he can be home to get the kids. And if he can’t, then you’re going to have to wait until a day when he can. And if, and that’s a big if, she agrees to go out for a drink, you’re not going to show up because that’s lame. I will talk to her and maybe lay some groundwork. The rest is on you.”

“I’ll take what I can get.” I follow her out of her office and into the lobby.

“Now go to work, and don’t come back here again unless I’ve invited you.”

“Damn, Pen, when did you become so cutthroat?” I tease.

“I love you. I’ll call you later.” She practically shoves me out the front door.

“I don’t feel loved!” I call after her as the door closes between us, watching her blow me a kiss through the glass. “Keep your kisses,” I grumble to myself as I step toward the curb, unknowingly cutting off the path of someone else.

I realize it a second too late, unable to avoid the collision.

“Shit, I’m sorry.” I’m quick to apologize, the rest of what I was about to say dying on my lips when I look down and realizewhoI’ve just run into... Again. “Well. Well...” I smile. “This seems to be becoming a bit of a habit of yours.”

Her big blue eyes find mine in an instant, and like the other day, she doesn’t miss a beat.

“Perhaps it’s becoming a habit of yours, consideringyoujust ran into me.” She squares her shoulders like maybe she’s mad about this fact, but there isn’t a hint of anger in her voice.

“Fair.” I grin. “Let me make it up to you.”

“And how do you intend to do that? As you can see, I already have lunch.” She draws my attention to the plastic bag clutched in her hand.