Chapter Two



“You know, you can’tjust keep showing up here like this,” Aspen scolds as I step into her office, dropping down into one of the chairs opposite her desk.

“Says who?” I grin, stretching my legs out in front of myself.

“Did you get fired or something?”

“Of course not.”

“Then how is it that you’re able to drive over forty minutes from the city every day during work hours? I know your boss is lenient, but I’m sure he has his limits.”

“Nah, he doesn’t give a shit what I do as long as my work gets done on time.” I shrug.

What I don’t say is that with her and Sutton living in the suburbs and my mom and dad buying a place just a couple of blocks from them, I’m feeling a little lonely in the city by myself, so most evenings I spend working just to keep myself busy, which in turn, buys me extra time during the day. I also don’t say that I miss spending every day with her. That I miss our evening movie nights and being able to just show up at her door at any hour of the day for no other reason than I feel like it. But she and Sutton have their own lives now. A family. And even if I am a part of that, it’s only a small part. But saying any of that would only make her feel guilty, and that’s the last thing I want, even if it is the truth.

But that’s also not theonlyreason I’ve found myself making the trip here for the last couple of days...

“Rem...” She gives me that look of hers, the one that saysI know what you’re doing.“I’m fine. I told you that yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and the day before that. The kids are with Memaw and Pop-pop and are getting spoiled absolutely rotten. There is nothing for me to worry about.”

“And yet, you’re still worried. Because that’s who you are, Pen.”

“Your mom and dad gave up their retirement to move here and play babysitter. The least I can do is trust them.”

“One, they came here because playing babysitter to their grandchildren is the most satisfying form of retirement ever, and you know it. And I’m not saying you don’t trust my parents. You’re right; they’re spoiling the hell out of those kids. But they areyourkids, and I know how hard it is for you to leave them.”

“Yeah. It has been hard. But it’s also been wonderful. My work here, Rem, it makes a difference. It’s important. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t. And you know all of that, too. So why don’t you do us both a favor and admit why you really keep coming back... Maybe because you’re hoping to have another run-in with a certain pretty blonde.” She smirks, able to read me so fucking well.

“Am I that obvious?” I bark out a laugh.

“Only to me because Iknowyou.” The corners of her mouth tip up. “If you’re interested, just ask her out. I’ve never known you to have trouble talking to women.”

“She works with you. I don’t want to make it weird.”

“You showing up here every dayismaking it weird. And based on what she told me, she’s not interested in dating anyone right now, so I think you’re wasting your time.”

“That’s what everyone says until they meet someone worth dating,” I point out, knowing I’ve used that excuse myself a time or two.