“Did you just refer to me and my wife as the fire?” He laughs.

“You know what I mean. I don’t want to overdo it first thing.”

“You must really like this girl,” he observes.

“Am I that obvious?”

“Yeah, you kind of are.” Laughter vibrates his words.

“If you’re done busting my balls now, I really do need to get to work.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” He pushes to a stand. “I’ll see you later,lover boy.” He waves his fingers at me daintily as he exits my office.

“Motherfucker,” I mutter under my breath, turning my attention to my computer, where I try, and fail, to focus on work for the next couple of hours.

Turns out, I’m not very good at not thinking about someone when all I want to do is think about them.

I make it a whopping hour before I finally cave and text Kaia.

Me:Can I see you tonight?

I hit send without giving myself time to overthink it.

I watch dots instantly appear on the screen and then disappear, only to reappear again.

Kaia:That depends. Will there be food this time?

I smile at her response.

I guess I should have realized that I never actually fed her yesterday until I literally heard her stomach growl in the car on the ride home. I felt fucking horrible, but to be fair, I was kind of distracted.

Me:Anything you want.

Kaia:What time?

My fingers can’t type fast enough.

Me:I can pick you up around six thirty.

Kaia:How about I just meet you at your place? I do have a car.

Me:You sure? I’m happy to pick you up.

Kaia:I’m sure. I’ll text you when I’m on my way.

Me:Can’t wait.

“I recognize that smile.” The familiar voice draws my gaze away from my phone. “Who is she?” My eyes land on blond hair, cut short to the middle of her neck, then to red lips, and finally, to amused eyes.

“Liv, what the hell?” I’m on my feet in an instant, crossing the space to tug her lean body into a hug. “I didn’t know you were in town,” I say, quickly releasing her so I can get a good look at her face.

She looks younger with her hair cut short like this, but I have to admit, it suits her.

“I was going to call, but I thought it would be more fun to surprise you.” She smiles, following me farther into the office when I gesture for her to sit down, taking the seat next to her.

“What brings you to D.C.?” I ask. The last time we spoke, which was just a couple of months ago, she was still living in Chicago and still working for the same company she worked at with Sutton.

Long story short, Olivia is my brother’s sort of ex. Though I don’t know if you can actually call her that because the two were never actually exclusive, no matter how much she wished they were. She actually found out about Sutton and Aspen long before I did, and somehow, the two of us bonded over the whole thing and have been friends ever since.