Who am I? I find myself asking for the second time. I swear, I don’t recognize this version of myself. I have to admit, though, I kind of like this side of me. The side only Remi has ever brought out. He makes me feel sexy and powerful in a way I never have before.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He’s on his feet so fast that I’ve barely processed the movement before he’s tugging me upright as well.

At this point, most people are watching the game and no one pays us any attention as we quietly excuse ourselves from the room.

We’ve barely made it to the hallway when Remi shoves me into a small little nook next to the door, pressing me against the wall, his body like a rock against mine as his mouth covers mine in one swift motion.

I bite back the groan building in my throat as he kisses me so hard and deep that I feel the kiss all the way to my toes.

I know I said I wasn’t going to sleep with him, but when his hand slides down my side and slips between my legs, testing my reaction, even I know it was a lie.

“Fuck,” he breathes against my mouth. “If we don’t get out of here, I might fuck you right where you stand.”

His words have my lower belly clenching in the most delicious way. I’ve never craved someone so fiercely the way I crave Remi right now. His touch. His tongue. His... Well, you can guess the other part.

“Then what are you waiting for?” I blink up at him. “Get me out of here.”

Taking my hand again, he pulls me back into the hallway, walking so fast that I damn near have to jog to keep up with him. Not that I’m complaining. At this point, I’m just as hurried as he is.

An hour ago, I was so excited to watch a football game from a luxury box I could barely stand it. Now, the football game is the absolute last thing on my mind.

I have no idea how things escalated so quickly. All I know is that if I don’t satisfy this deep, aching need building inside of me, I might combust at any moment.

We stop more than once on our way to the car, Remi finding little areas to stop and kiss me like I’m the very air keeping him alive. By the time we reach the parking garage, I’m wound so tight that when he shoves me against the car and grinds into me, I damn near come apart right there on the spot.

The drive to his place is even more tense because I don’t have the distraction of his kiss or touch to keep my mind from wandering to places I don’t want it to go.

Even still, when we arrive outside of a brick apartment building, doubt has already begun to take root.

Is this too fast?

Am I walking into something I’m not ready for?

Do I really want to do this?

But when Remi looks at me from the driver’s seat, his eyes alive with desire, I answer my own question. Yes. Yes, I reallydowant this. I wanthim. In a way I’ve never wanted another person before.

I let that knowledge be my driving force. Let it guide me out of the car and up to his apartment, which it feels like we can’t get to fast enough.

It isn’t until he unlocks the door and guides me inside that my nerves really kick up a notch. It feels like my heart might give out at any moment it’s beating so fast and hard, and you’d have to be blind not to notice the way my hands tremble as he kicks the door closed behind us.

I turn, watching him close the distance between us so fast I barely register his movements. His arms wrap around my middle, pulling me impossibly close. So close that I can feel the heavy beat of his heart that seems to mirror my own.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he reassures me, his warm breath dancing across my face.

“Shut up and kiss me already.”

And he does. He kisses me so hard and deep that my entire body sings with delight.

We hit one wall and then bounce to another, knocking into random things as we move farther into the room. There’s no tour. No welcome to my home. Nothing. Honestly, I’d be disappointed if he tried.

But like me, he’s driven by only one thing...

Pure, carnal need.

I don’t take a single moment to take in any of my surroundings, allowing him to guide me through the space. I have no real knowledge of where I am inside the apartment until the back of my knees hit a soft surface, seconds before I’m on my back on top of a pillowy mattress.

It’s dark. Not so dark that I can’t see Remi as he crawls up my body like the most lethal predator, but dark enough that he’s about the only thing I can see clearly. And my God is he the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen as he settles between my thighs, grinding into me through the too-thick confines of our clothes.